classroom Tag

New Print! – I’m a Reader

I started working on this one several months ago and just finally added the type to it today. You can go to my shop to purchase a print HERE.

Storytime: I was recently at the library with my daughter when I young boy came up to say hello and ask If I illustrated kids books. I told him I did and spoke to him about a fellow artist he should check out as I didn’t have any materials on me to show him. One of the librarians told me he was bored and I went to get him a copy of Jerry Craft’s graphic novel “New Kid” which is excellent. He smiled. But later he came back to me and my daughter and gave the book back (even after the same librarian also recommended it). I asked if he didn’t like this type of book? If he’d be interested in another?

"Nah, I just don't like reading." he responded.

To which, I said "Graphic novels, or books in general?"

"In general" he responded.

And yall, my heart sank a little bit because I was this kid. I was him. I hated reading. I prefereed listening to hip hop, playing outside, or watching tv. All good things, but I just feel that we gotta help our children develop a level of literacy that is strong and passionate. Doesn’t mean they need to be come writers, but I do want them to read. Sigh. I didn’t have the time to sit with him because my 5 year old was pulling my attention. But I wondered. Could he read and just really didn’t fuck with it? Did he not know how and as a result decided it wasn’t for him? Or was there literally nothing in that library full of books that interested him specifically?

Anyways, it showed me there’s still a lot of work to be done…..

Dig this? Check out the last READ print in a series. This one of a welder/maker.

READ Print Pack

Started this set of new art prints back in March and here are all four prints. Whats the point of these art prints? To encourage reading and literacy and to provide a mirror for some kids to see themselves.  
You can purchase the pack of prints here.

Story time Print pack

Hey, I’ve been working ion this series of “Story time” posters for over a year with the intent to illustrate children and families of color reading to a child or children. I hope that this artwork is useful to your classroom, home, office, or library. Keep reading to the babies!

Story time poster pack LINK

Story time print 3

Happy new year y’all. This is the third print in the series of “story time” pieces. Why do them? To make art that encourages young people to read. You can see the other prints here on the blog.
I’m passionate about literacy and I hope that this artwork will make it into a classroom, library, organization, day care, or home near you. The subject of this piece is a young father of color and his child reading. Thats it.
Purchase here.