Come Bien Books Tag

Furqan’s First Flat Top UPDATE 1

Hey young world! I’m about 90% finished with the all the sketches for “Furqan’s First Flat Top”. If you are a backer, please check your messages from Kickstarter as I sent out an UPDATE only for your eyes. Thanks for your patience. Happy New Year, Happy Holidays, blessings to you and yours. Struggle on……

Sew Seoulful Zine now available at Pegasus Books in Berkeley,Ca

Peace the homie Ian overt Pegasus was nice enough to let a brother get the zine up in the store.Thanks Ian! If you havent been to Pegasus’ Books in the Btown, go check them out. They have a very laid back book store with benches and chairs for reading. Besides the love for underground and independent culture, wonderful old LP covers, old dvds, vintage books, they also have a very good childrens section that I had pull my son away from as we jetted to run more errands around the city. Look for more updates on the progress of SS.Vol.2 “Sew Seoulful”.Step by step! And go check out Ian’s artwork at . Im feeling the Farmer cow print Ian!