Video: National Sticker Day 2022
New Sticker!
What is a “mixed kid”? To me, it is a person who comes from a background with mixed heritage. They can be Black and White, Latin@ and Asian, Indigenous and American, Caribbean and Australian, so many combinations of people are in the world and we all have an interesting story to tell about who we are and where are families come from. There are mixtures of heritage within one ethnicity or skin color, and there are people whose family are from various racial backgrounds. This is for all of you. Me personally I am African American, Korean, Mexican, and Apache and this phrase means something to me.
Cop a sticker HERE
If you missed it, here is the Blasian sticker and this is the original “Mixed Kid” painting this one is based off.
Here’s a new sticker of a drawing I did in my sketchbook.
What is Ethnic Studies? To me, it is a chance to learn about history and cultural from a people of color perspective. Typically US and world history is Eurocentric and leaves out tremendous amount of stories and history from Black, Indigenous Native Americans, Asians, and Latin@s. I believe very strongly that every school from elementary school up to college should have mandatory ethnic studies classes to educate all students.
You want a sticker? Go to my Etsy please.
If you missed the painting I did of this same phrase, check that out here on the blog too.