laptop sticker Tag

Pause Sticker process


 Hey this is a new sticker in a series of self care/ encouragement/ affirming stickers. Sometimes you gotta hit the pause button, or maybe you need to remind someone to do it. 
Wanna see some of the creative process? Check it out:
First I did a bunch of different versions of the same word using different font styles.  The check marks you see are from my homies and my wife telling me which ones they preferred.
I narrowed it down a bit and combined some elements to make it a more simple shape.
I decided on the color scheme and did some rough color versions. And I chose the bottom right one finally.
Then I painted in gouache. Scanned it and then brought it into Photoshop and to clean it up, moving the shadow and letters a tiny bit to make it more symmetrical. I also adjusted the color a bunch because it was tough to duplicate the screen color.
And then here’s the final product. I get stickers from a bunch of different places, but one I go to often is Sticker Giant in Colorado who just shipped these to me. What do you think? Dig it? I DO!! I love how it came out and I hope others will dig them. Eventually I’ll make a sticker pack of these:
“_______” one more to go!
One day I’ll make a video talking about these stickers. But for now i’ll just say that many years ago I made a series of paintings called “positive wall affirmations” made to serve people by offering a positive message for the home, class, office, etc. The original one of a kind paintings did ok and made some folks really happy. But the stickers are a bit more affordable, especially if you’re not an art collector. 
Anyways, thanks for reading. You can get this Pause sticker here or get a sticker sheet I made a year ago for self care here as well. If you know someone who is learning to make merchandise using their art, please share this post with them.

FOCUS Sticker


Here’s a new sticker! Part of a series of stickers that are reminders or affirmations. This could be for yourself or as a gift to send to a friend. Cop one here!
If you missed the previous sticker “GROW” check that out too.

GROW sticker


Fam, I created an original painting with the word “GROW” back in 2013. Matter of fact, I painted a whole series of affirmations. In an effort to get back to making pieces that are not only affirming to me (hopefully you too) but to make it affordable, I plan to make some new stickers with affirming letter based art. I painted this piece on paper and got it printed with gold to add a bit of shine. I hope you like it. Stay tuned.

Did you catch the last sticker pack? Here it is.

Black Is Beautiful Sticker


Juiced to share this with you all. A gold foil “Black Is Beautiful” Sticker!!  Cop one!
Here’s a new sticker with a classic phrase “Black is Beautiful” first uttered before my mother was born in an effort to give African Americans pride. Not only in their skin color, but their heritage. The term “Black” is one of many used to describe humans with a darker skin hue but the descendants of Africans in the US did not create the classifications for race, we just flipped them and gave them new meanings.

For me personally, I started to use this phrase publicly as part of a series of drawings and paintings celebrating unsung figures of Black history here in the US and abroad. I love the feeling of affirmation the term gives and hope you too can resonate with it whether you consider yourself “Black” or not. We can all affirm the “Black Is Beautiful” as a statement of pride and a resistance to centuries of “anti-black” imagery, descriptions, and racist messages from the past and today.
Did you catch the last “POC POV” sticker?

POC POV Sticker

Here’s a clear vinyl sticker of an old favorite. First I made it as a small doodle for my sticker sheet. Then I blew it up as a larger painting. And now I’ve shrunk it down to a sticker again with a clear backing that you can put on just about anything. “POC” means people of color, and “POV” means “point of view”. Hopefully that is self explanatory.

If you want one cop it HERE.

Mixed Kid Sticker

New Sticker!

What is a “mixed kid”? To me, it is a person who comes from a background with mixed heritage. They can be Black and White, Latin@ and Asian, Indigenous and American, Caribbean and Australian, so many combinations of people are in the world and we all have an interesting story to tell about who we are and where are families come from. There are mixtures of heritage within one ethnicity or skin color, and there are people whose family are from various racial backgrounds. This is for all of you. Me personally I am African American, Korean, Mexican, and Apache and this phrase means something to me.

Cop a sticker HERE

If you missed it, here is the Blasian sticker and this is the original “Mixed Kid” painting this one is based off.

Blasian Sticker!

Yo! Super excited to make and share this with you. This is a term I’ve heard used for at least 10 years to describe an esthetic, couples, children, and people. “BLASIAN” or “Black” and “Asian” to me represents families and people who share both Asian and Black heritage. They could be specifically North American, but I believe the term could apply internationally to these mixed kids. Being a mixed kid myself (Black, Korean, Mexican, Apache) I identify with this term and hope you can share it with others you feel would love it.

If you’d like to get one COP IT HERE.

Stay tuned for more and please check out my Self Care stickers if you missed em.

Ethnic Studies Sticker!

Here’s a new sticker of a drawing I did in my sketchbook.

What is Ethnic Studies? To me, it is a chance to learn about history and cultural from a people of color perspective. Typically US and world history is Eurocentric and leaves out tremendous amount of stories and history from Black, Indigenous Native Americans, Asians, and Latin@s. I believe very strongly that every school from elementary school up to college should have mandatory ethnic studies classes to educate all students.

You want a sticker? Go to my Etsy please. 

If you missed the painting I did of this same phrase, check that out here on the blog too.