middle grade Tag

Art of Rob feat in School Library Journal

Once is a blessing, twice is an honor. BIG shout out to “We Are Kid Lit Collective” for featuring my “Art of Rob” 130 book of drawings, sketches, paintings, tutorials, and more. If you don’t know them you should check out their yearly summer reading lists for kids. If you’d like to Cop my book, do that HERE. And check out all of these other amazing books listed in the article HERE.

Dig this? Check out this video I made of some of my favorite “Art Books”

VIDEO: My fav art bks 2

Hey fam, I just finished the second “Art Books” video. In it I share a little bit of 15 books and magazines ranging from Art of animation, to artist sketchbooks, and photography books. The point of these is to share cool books, show you some ways to get kids off screens, inspire young artists, and hopefully get some kids reading. Some of these books would appeal to elementary aged kids and some are for older teens.
If you missed the last Art Books video check it out here
These are the books in the video:
  • “Afros” by Michael July
  • “Journey for Justice” by Dr Dawn Mabalon, Gayle Romansanta, and Andre Sibayan
  • “We Are the Ship” by Kadir Nelson
  • “Mexican Muralists” by Desmond Rochfort
  •  “The Art of Moana” by Disney
  • “Dailies” by Bobby Pontillas
  • “Girls Garage” by Emily Pilloton
  • “Harlem of the West” by Elizabeth Pepin Silva & Lewis Watts
  • “Stranger Danger” by Clio Chiang
  • “Printing the Revolution” by Claudia Zapata, Tatiana Reinoza, and Terecita Romo
  • “The Art of Hung Liu-Summoning Ghosts” by Hung Liu
  • “Picturing The Promise (Scurlocks)” Edited by Paul Gardullo
  • “The New Bohemians” by Justina Blakeney
  • “Waxpoetics Magazine” 2008/ 2021
  • “Umber Magazine”
If you’d like to purchase some of them I suggest ordering them from your local bookstore, Bookshop.org, or StuartNg Books in LA.

Puerto Rico -Marilisa Jiménez Garcia


Fam, this is a book about Puerto Rican hxstory edited by a Boricua scholar and activist named Marilisa Jiménez Garcia. It’s published by “Teaching for Change” a DC non profit who focus on teaching the shit US hxstory books typically have ignored or left out. Growing up around a small but vocal community of Puerto Ricans here in the Bay Area and living in NYC I have always wanted to learn more about the struggle for a free Boriken (Puerto Rico) and some of its great figures. So for Women’s Hxstory month, Inktober, etc I have drawn some Puerto Ricans. Please share this educational opportunity to read, teach, and learn from this very detailed compilation of art, poetry, people, events, places, etc. 
Shout to Marilisa and Teaching for Change for including some of my work in the book which you can see below. In the book they talk about Salsa, Bomba y Plena, Vejigantes, the island of Vieques, Hurricane Maria, US Colonialism, Afro Latin identity, the Puerto Rican diaspora, and so much more.

Character Collage 2019-2020

What up everyone. It has been awhile since I uploaded a character collage; like since 2018. But you know what, my wife and I had a daughter in 2018 so I did not have the time to do as many character drawings. In fact the majority of what you’re seeing above I started to draw back in November of last year (we got childcare). This set of drawings is all done in dark blue colored pencil because I felt like switching it up from my normal style and using one color. This helped make it faster and helped me make work that’s suitable for middle grade and picture books. Alright, please check these out out!

Left to right, top to bottom: 1. Ride 2. Fix it or Trash it 3. Photo 4. Jet Boil 5. Rollercoaster 6. Jump 7. Bandsaw 8. Protest 9. Haenyeo 10. Donny & Jalil 11. How’s it sound? 12. Pack your bag 13. Argue

You can see the previous collages here too: 
If you are interested in more information about any of the characters, want to work with me, or interested in a print just email me at info@robdontstop.com To get a copy of my first 130 pg art book go HERE.

Short story 28 – Flight

“Normally I would tell you to get your hair out of my face! But, agggghhh!” Shouted Tong as Hattie duck, dived, and barreled the dragonfly. Not trying to win, but showing off. There was something peaceful about riding. Our lands seemed to go on forever and I had never seen it from so high up. I want to win but Hattie just wants to have fun.
This is the latest short story! If you missed the last one please check out “Hike” by clicking this link.
Digital drawing
Lightboxing with colored pencils

Short story 27 – Hike

Here is my next short story:

Its worth it. “It was only two hours” mom said. But it felt like forever. The climb made me feeling like all the oxygen was sucked out of the air. We couldn’t get any wifi and there was no one around us for miles. But it was worth it. “Nature’s cool… I like hikes” my little brother said. And when I saw
how happy it made Mom I agreed. It was worth it. Every picture, every moment. Maybe not the energy bars, but everything else.

Why not check out the last one? Short story 26 – First Protest