Rethink Schools Magazine Tag

Rethinking Schools feature for Alejandria


Yo, this just in, my new book “Alejandria Fights Back” got a mention in the new “Rethinking Schools” magazine. If you’re not hip, this magazine has been around since the mid 80s in Milwaukee by educators. They saw that the history books they had at the time were wack (still are, but getting better) and they decided to compile lessons for the babies involving ethnic studies, what would today be excluded as critical race theory, and social justice. As a trusted source by educators all over the US, and internationally. So, suffice to say this nod in the form of a feature is BIG and I have so much respect. If you want to get a physical or digital copy go here.
I was fortunate enough to do some artwork for the magazine many moons ago, peep that here. And shout out to AD Nancy Zucker! If you missed the post about Social Justice books, peep that here.

Re-Thinking Schools Magazine

Big thanks to my homie Melanie who hooked me up with the art director for Rethink Schools Magazine. Rethink is a magazine with great resource for educators. I had never heard of it until I was contacted about doing an illustration for it. But I’m glad I found it. I’m glad they exist because they cover a lot of issues with race while offering many resources for educators. For example, racism, ethnic studies, teaching techniques, bi-lingual education, etc. In this issue theres short article about the action that happened here in the Bay Area at Lakeview Elementary. The author whose piece mine was paired with writes about what its like to teach her students about slavery. The article talks about what its like to constantly learn about your history through defeat. Waahida Mbatha wrote it and talks about how she has sought to redefine how she teaches African and African American history. A very interesting read. If you’d like to support ReThink Schools, you can get the magazine here.