revision path Tag

10 Years of Revision Path!!!!


Ey, we gotta give big props and credit to Maurice Cherry who has spent the last decade researching, contacting, featuring, interviewing Black designers and artists. I started listening to the show off and on when my friend Qa’id Jacobs was a featured guest(2016). I knew Qa’id from Brooklyn and was astonished at the time to see a podcast dedicated to Black artists and designers like this. It did NOT exist back then. But folks Like Andrea Pippins, John Jennings, Kimberly Bryant, Goldi Gold, Craig Brimm, Gabriele Smith, and Dawn Okoro were working HARD even back then.
If you’re interested in architecture, graphic design, illustration, UI UX, etc go to the website and listen to some of these episodes. LINK

Listen to this episode about the history of Revision Path where he breaks down some of the hardships he’s faced over the years and some of the triumphs. Thank god he has kept it going! 
Thank you Maurice!!! Who himself is a great designer. This is his company.
Dig this? Check out Black Work Talk podcast or these Business Podcasts

Recognize 2- Fresh


Type by Maurice Cherry

Super excited to share this new collaborative piece with you. It comes to you via designer and podcast host Maurice Cherry of “Revision Path“. Here’s the mission:

“Recognize” is a design anthology that features essays and commentary from indigenous people and people of color – the next generation of emerging design voices.

The first piece is an accompaniment to Maurice’s introduction:

The second goes with Khalil Crawford’s piece called Diasporic Design: A straight ahead approach
And the final essay is by Regine Gilbert and is about keeping your design fresh!
Did you see the first edition of Recognize? Here’s the LINK

29 Days of the Web- Black Designers

Check this out, a website created by Revision Path Podcast to honor one Black designer each day of February! Please go through and check it out to familiarize yourself with these talented folks. And if you have’t had a chance to, listen to the Revision Path Podcast on Black Designers.
29 Days of the Web LINK
Revision Path Podcast