sound Tag

Character 140 – Youth Sound

Here’s a thought. The sound of the youth is different. Sometimes I love it, sometimes I don’t like it at all. But the only constant is change. What they do has to be different in some way. What I pay attention to is the way they dance to it, the happiness or confidence that comes through. No matter what they (the youth) do they have echoes of the previous generations. What song are you or were you excited to play for your child? For me, most recently it was Paris-the devil made me do it. In the past it was Jimi Hendrix.

Character 139 – Listening

Did you ever fall asleep to a favorite record or album? Or was it a mix? I can remember spending hours listening to music; pouring over the liner notes. This is a tribute to those long nights listening to records, tapes, cd’s, and mp3s. I made this last year as a way to celebrate analog music and feel like it fits perfect with record store day. Keep listening….

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