Storytime Friends Tag

Storytime Friends

Hey yall, I’m writing to you about Storytime Friends, a nonprofit I serve as a member of their Advisory
Council. Check out this message from the founders and dig in….and DONATE HERE

Storytime Friends has delivered a lively read-aloud video series, free
picture books, and fun, educational activities on a monthly basis to children at UCSF Benioff
Children’s Hospital in Oakland
for 2 years now. They secured a fiscal sponsorship with the
Social Good Fund, so that we can offer tax-deduction benefits to our donors. And they’ve
built relationships with book publishers, a large community of authors & illustrators, local
Bay Area bookstores, and with Children’s Fairyland, and more along the way. 
We’ve accomplished all of this on a 100% volunteer basis. We’ve been pouring our hearts into
this, and now we need financial support to keep going and growing. 
My ask is this: if you can support Storytime Friends with a donation, I would be grateful.
Theyre fundraising to get more books into the hands of Kids in 2025. We hope to raise $30,000 by December 31, 2024
Thank you for considering this worthwhile project.


Storytime Friends


Hey yall, I’m happy to be a part of a new crew called STORYTIME FRIENDS w/ Peter Limata, Angela Dalton, Michael Genhart, Meera Sriram, and Alex Giardino, a community-centered project that brings the joy of picture books to children’s hospitals. STORYTIME FRIENDS features a video-recorded read-aloud series, related art activities, and book give-aways. For its inaugural year, the project has partnered with UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital and more than forty authors and illustrators. The series host Mr. Peter Limata kicks everything off on November 4 with a video read-aloud of Dr. Rachel Remen’s The Birthday of the World, which will be aired at the hospital for the children. My book “Alejandria Fights Back” will be featured later in the series along with 40 author/illustrators across the Bay Area!! 

More info at OR you can follow their IG at @storytimefriendsseries

Stay tuned for more info!