500 Subscribers on YouTube!!

As I am trying to stay afloat as a freelance artist and seeing the genocide taking place in many places, I take this small victory and cherish it!! Thanks to all of you who have supported my channel. I started adding videos to my YouTube at the beginning of the pandemic. I think I had maybe 50 subscribers from my Furqan’s First Flat Top trailer, but since then I’ve shared a bit more and i’m now at 500!!!! Thanks so much for the support! I plan to share more of how I do what I do. If you have things you’d like me to talk about, lemme know.
If you’ve not subscribed yet, you can do so HERE: https://www.youtube.com/user/mrroberttrujillo
Here’s one of the most recent videos I posted. Its a flip through of my first art book so you can see whats in it. Peace!