Educational Resources

15 Tips from 15 Years as a Freelance Illustrator (PDF)


Check it out, this is a pdf with 15 tips that  I’ve learned from, failed at, or screwed up on as a freelance illustrator.  I started making art as a kid drawing for fun, doing graffiti, and then going to college to study and changing my major 3 times. After the second major change and becoming a dad I officially began freelancing, accepting money for my art and let me tell you it has been a bumpy road. 
Feel free to cop this for a young student who wishes to be a freelance artist who works for themself. I wrote the words, did the illustrations, and my lovely wife Joy did the design/layout for it.


Is this useful? Check out this post about why I still use business cards

Facing Race Conference – Coloring Sheet

Hey fam, excited to share this coloring sheet I illustrated for Race Forward (formerly Colorlines). Shout out to Erin Zipper for bringing me in to do this. And shout out to Nicky Rodriguez who also illustrated a coloring sheet. Quickly, Facing Race is an annual conference where organizers, educators, artists, and regular folks like you get together to talk about racial justice. For some people that inspires eyes rolling, but for the eclectic mix of folks who go it is a lifetime of work. Learn more about it by following Race Forward and attending the conference virtually.
And download the coloring sheet to have fun drawing!
Here’s a bit of process from the art making:
Final drawing used as a coloring sheet during the 2020 Facing Race conference.
Dig this? Here’s an illustration I did for Oakland Rising in the past and one done for an Elefint Designs collab w/ John Legend and the ACLU.
 Coloring sheets by myself and Nicky Rodriguez
Snippets from the drawing

Download 1- Coloring Sheet (music)


What up folks? Ok, so people have been asking me for downloadable coloring sheets for a minute and i just have not had the time. But, last night I decided to make one using art and type that I’ve already created. I added a few things but most of it is older work. Anywho, if you’d like to get this and download a high res version of it for your own drawing purposes or for a student, you can do that……..

This is my first of many I hope, not only of stuff you can draw on, but of art you can license for other purposes I hope. We’ll see. For now enjoy. And if you like music related art peep this collage of characters from 3 years ago.