illustration Tag

Inspiring Artist – Greg Ruth

I don’t remember how I came across Greg Ruth’s amazing illustration but after I found him I started seeing his work a lot. Greg is an incredible illustrator with multiple styles. Dry brush, pencil, and pen & ink. Mostly traditional media mostly. Check him out.

Greg does a bunch of private commissions but he also works in comics, does book covers, artwork for films, and album covers, etc. See more of his work HERE.

Here’s an interview he did with Criterion.

What’s this? This is where I share inspiring artists that have been inspiring to me in my work sometimes directly and other times indirectly. I share them here on my blog in the hopes that somebody will also find some inspiration in their work. Check out some of the other artists I’ve shared.  

Dig this? Check out my last Inspiration board.

Free the Congo

Ok here’s the short version of my description:

A quick drawing/painting of a delivery truck with graffiti on it saying “Free the Congo” and “Down with Colonialism”. I painted this in solidarity with the people of the Congo in central Africa who are suffering from the direct effects of colonialism. The news will say its about corrupt leaders, I say look into the history of Belgium and France, their past and current colonial ties. Look into the countless companies in Europe and the US who profit from its vast mineral wealth (Coltan, Cobalt, etc). Who benefits from the millions who have been killed and displaced there? How is this related to other countries in Africa, Colombia, Palestine, the Philippines, India? The obscenely wealthy 1 % dont get there through “hard work”. They get there by using murder, rape, theft, sabotage, assasination, bribery, misinformation, and misdirection. To stand in solidarity with the Congo, please follow the Center for Research on the Congo-Kinshasa and independent news outlets to hear more about what is happening there and what activists there are calling on us to do. Comment w/ a journalist, book, podcast, artist, or news outlet that is accurately reporting about Congo.

Sources: Marc Lamont Hill, Kambale Musavuli, Double Down News, Break Through News, Democracy Now

Dig this? Check out this direct action against Black Rock who funds genocide in Palestine.

Illustrations for RISE 4 Us Book Project

Just got these in the mail. Last year I began work on these beautiful tributes to loved ones (specifically Black fathers) lost to gun violence in Seattle. The families of Dare’Reon Newton and D’Vonne Picket Jr wrote these stories with an organization called RISE ( Resilient in Sustaining Empowerment) founded by Lynniah Grayson. Shout out to Jeffrey Cheatham for sending connecting me w/ them.

Here are some process drawings and the color illustrations. These are very rough and tight because the art directors/organizers of the project were working on a really tight budget and timeline. Shout out to Anika Zebron and Desi Caswell. But the stories were written with children from their perspective w/ family members and RISE.

These books benefit families. There were multiple families in the project affected by gun violence. If you’d like to see the other books and support families go visit them here at RISE 4 US.

Dig this? Check out the most recent art book I made called “Art of Rob” which has 130 pgs of artwork including drawings, paintings, and even a tutorial.

My work at Pinole Public Library in March

BIG shout out to brother Chris Granillo, he invited me to share some artwork to be exhibited at the Pinole Public Library. I created this series of prints with the title READ as a way to add to the world of library art featuring children of color. Chris has been exhibiting his work in public spaces and its an honor to be there. If you’re in Pinole, go check it out.

Dig this? This is another exhibit my work was in Beyond the Diaspora down in San Jose. Or this one called “My Homies are My Heroes” which was curated by my sis Nancy Pili.

“Coalition for Liberated Ethnic Studies” collaboration

I started working with CLES –the Coalition for a Liberated Ethnic Studies in 2022 and it has been awesome to contribute to the incredible work they are doing to provide resources, curriculum, and advocacy for folks trying to get ethnic studies to kids in public schools, amplify those currently teaching it, and to stand up for those facing attacks because………surprise surprise, lots of reactionary adults are scared of their children feeling uncomfortable. Yeah, the true history of the United States and how it realtes to the world is uncomfortable af, but as a great writer once said :

"Not everything that is faced can be changed; but nothing can be changed until it is faced." - James Baldwin

Please follow them on IG and cop some merch, to support their work. If you follow me you know how I feel about ethnic studies curriciulum and why it is vital for young people to get and understand.

Dig this? Check out this painting of a phrase I like to use “Ethnic Studies in Every School”.

Sometimes it gets shelved 6- Worker’s union

Sup fam, been a while since I shared one of these. Its a shelved illustration for a west coast teacher’s union. For some reason this didn’t quite make the cut but we got almost to the end so I thought I’d share. Check out some of the process. 

Color samples

What is this? There are projects I work on as a freelance artist that never see the light of day. I mean , its possible that they get used but I think more often than not the organization or company is trying to do their best and sometimes it doesn’t work. 

Final color

Dig this? Check out this piece about Migration from a few years back

ArtvsArtist 2023

Been awhile since I did one of these. I tried to quickly pick some recent drawings , projects, or paintings that I like. Some of these are client work, but some are personal.  Top to bottom, left to right.
2. Alejandria Fights Back/ La Lucha de Alejandria by Rise Home Stories Project/ Leticia Hernandez-Linares
4. Character from We Are Yoga/Somos Yoga by Jill Guerra
5. Me
6. Illustration for In Dance Magazine
8. Cover of my book Fresh Juice/Jugo Fresco
9. Dr Muriel Petioni-Blk history month
Dig this? Check these out:

Illustration for “In Dance” Magazine

This is a fun project. Nkeiruka Oruche is the guest editor for this issue of “In Dance Magazine” and she invited me to write and illustrate a short personal experience relating to dance. When she asked me to participate my first thought was that I’m not a dancer but she wanted a mix of folks. Those whose creative practice it is to dance and those who’ve danced at some point in life, which I think is most of us.  Anyway, check out my illustration from the piece.

Read the whole magazine HERE

Here’s my sketch, painting of dancers, and added background and text.
I had fun doing this and I’m thankful to writer, dancer, editor, multi-disciplinary artist Nkei for inviting me:). The magazine features a variety of folks from the Bay and nationally, regular folks and dancers of course with some interesting stories about family, tradition, culture, institutions, and lots of opportunities to move your body. Check it out!!!!!
Dig this? Check out
-Illustrations for ACLU X Central Valley Report

Inspiring Artist- Victoria Ying


Victoria Ying is an incredible artist and author from the LA area who I came across when she was working at Disney many years ago. I remember seeing a project she lead called “Extra Curricular Activities”. Then I saw her in the “Lovely” book with women working in animation. I have been a big fan ever since and I loved her books “City of Secrets” and “Meow”. Check out some of her beautiful paintings and drawings.

Yo, if you’re new: This is where I share artists that have been inspiring to me in my work sometimes directly and other times indirectly. Do yourself a favor and check out Victoria’s site here. There you can catch some of the amazing books she’s created such as “City of Secrets” and hear some interviews such as this one where she talks about her process for creating her graphic novel.

If you missed the last inspiring artist I posted, check out Ami Thompson or Elizabeth Catlett‘s work! And if you’re still looking for more inspiration peep inspiration board 41 I made because everybody gets stuck. 

PS: Victoria teaches!! You can take a class she teaches on visual development here :)

Character 166 – Picture me cruisin


Here’s a new self portrait for the new year. I pictured myself cruisin in a futuristic go-kart! One that hovers. Happy new year to you and yours. Trying to keep rollin with the changes. Every few years I do a new one to keep my website, blog, etc fresh. You’ll see this new image on all the tings.
Dig this? Here’s a previous self portrait I did in 2019 . Here’s another one from 2015.
A few close ups…

The previous character before this was Mama Peng