Children of color Tag

Ethnic Studies in Every School 2- Purple


Just painted this new joint before the San Jose Made show and LOVE LOVE LOVE how it came out. I get in a rut sometimes and returning to this subject matter and composition really helped me do my thing and get loose. Check out some of the process art for this one below.

If you’d like a print of this bad boy, please visit my shop at THIS LINK

What is Ethnic Studies? Short version is that US history is Eurocentric and throughout time either mis-characterized, ignored, or completely barred stories and history from African American, Native American, Latinxs, and Asian Americans. I throw in Middle Eastern families as well. In the late 60s San Francisco State University (my 1st college) and then UC Berkeley were the first schools in the US to create college departments that housed teachers and courses dedicated to some of this knowledge. And to be frank, it is not just about a diverse we are the world photo. It’s a bout understanding systems, power, challenging that, and changing the narrative. And that is why some are terrified of it.
Did you like this? Check out the previous “Ethnic Studies In Every School” painting I did (2019). Oh, and have you ever heard of Dolores Huerta? The Contract Buyers League? What about Marie Butchie Tom?
photo credit: My Momma!

Art for OPL Summer reading

Hey, the Oakland Public Library just unveiled some of whats in store for this summer’s reading program and I got to do some illustrations for it. Check out the website here to see it and some of the opportunities to win prizes for not only reading but watching films, and doing other cool stuff.
Shout out to Matt Berson and Thomas Downs for the great designs.
Did you catch the portraits I’ve done for Chapter 510 in conjunction w/ the library? See that here.
Here are some of the paintings again.

I’ve worked with the library before to do portraits of Oakland poets w/ Chapter 510. Here’s some other work I did for the library.

Never Have I ever

Highly recommend this show and I’m only half way through the first season! And it got green lit for a 2nd season already. Go Mindy Kaling! WATCH! Hella funny.

Ethnic Studies Pack

Whats up fam? You can cop this pack of stickers and prints for your classroom, home, or office! I originally made the pack to help fundraise for this network of Ethnic Studies educators in Cali-follow them here on IG. But now that I was able to raise a bit of $ I’m going to continue to sell this pack.
Ethnic Studies for those who don’t know is an organized curriculum of books, films, lectures, music, and culture that explore all that US and American history left out about African Americans, Latin@S, Native Americans, and Asian Americans. It now includes curriculum about Middle Eastern Americans, and sometimes LGBTQ studies as well. I’m a product of ethnic studies and i’m very proud to support ethnic studies curriculum all over the US in EVERY SCHOOL. You want a print or a sticker?

Did you see the show I made the “Ethnic studies painting” for?

Bookmark Pack 2

Yo, just finished a new pack of bilingual bookmarks for the readers of all ages. This time with a focus on comics. This is a pack so you can get one of each, 3, 5, or more. Check out the close ups of the bookmarks and…
Buy a Pack HERE
Did you see the previous pack of bilingual bookmarks? Here it is LINK.

READ Print Pack

Started this set of new art prints back in March and here are all four prints. Whats the point of these art prints? To encourage reading and literacy and to provide a mirror for some kids to see themselves.  
You can purchase the pack of prints here.

READ Print 3

For this this print I imagined a South East Asian Girl. This is the third in a new series of prints with a simple concept, encourage reading and illustrate an array of young people reading, focusing on children of color. If you’d like to get a print of this one


Did you see the last print? Here it is.

Character Collage 2019-2020

What up everyone. It has been awhile since I uploaded a character collage; like since 2018. But you know what, my wife and I had a daughter in 2018 so I did not have the time to do as many character drawings. In fact the majority of what you’re seeing above I started to draw back in November of last year (we got childcare). This set of drawings is all done in dark blue colored pencil because I felt like switching it up from my normal style and using one color. This helped make it faster and helped me make work that’s suitable for middle grade and picture books. Alright, please check these out out!

Left to right, top to bottom: 1. Ride 2. Fix it or Trash it 3. Photo 4. Jet Boil 5. Rollercoaster 6. Jump 7. Bandsaw 8. Protest 9. Haenyeo 10. Donny & Jalil 11. How’s it sound? 12. Pack your bag 13. Argue

You can see the previous collages here too: 
If you are interested in more information about any of the characters, want to work with me, or interested in a print just email me at

Bookplates 1-4

Check these out. Have you ever wanted to bring a cool custom gift to a baby shower? Or surprise your friend who is a teacher with a gift that not only supports literacy but champions children of color? Get them a book plate or several so they can reinforce positive reading habits as early as possible. 
You can purchase these individually or in packs of 10 and 30. 

Story time print 2

This is the second in what hopefully becomes a series of “Story time” prints. I made this and the first print as art prints that could be hung in homes, libraries, or classrooms. Anywhere that children are read to really. You can purchase this one on Etsy HERE.