Afro Mexican Tag

Furqan’s First Flat Top UPDATE 5-Books are on the way

Peace! Thanks to all of the wonderful people who have supported me on my journey to becoming a self-published children’s book illustrator/author! A few weeks ago I got the shipment of my books from the printer and I couldn’t be happier to tell you that yours (if you haven’t received it) is on the way! Take a look at some shots of me getting the books, opening the boxes, and preparing stickers, envelopes, and the books to ship out. If you supported the project and put down an address thats the one I’m sending it to. If your address changed please let me know because I’m still sending them out. Thank you for your patience. If you know someone who would like to purchase a book, they can do so at

PS: Got a new blog review/interview on Culture Chest ( a subscription service for diverse books)

Carmen Amelia Robles-Black is Beautiful 20

Colonel Carmen Amelia Robles was an Afro-Mexican soldier in the Mexican Revolution 1910-1920. I could find very little on Colonel Robles except that she dressed like a man of the times and assumed a more masculine stature fighting alongside men as did many women during this time. The first place i saw information and a photo of her was through the Lati-Negros blog. This led me to other blogs such as “Beyond Black and White”and “Numero F”. They put her birth at 1889 en Xochipala, Guerrero. She was a part of Emiliano Zapata’s army and participated in many battles such as La Batalla de la hacienda de pozuelos.

El Yanga- Black is Beautiful 3

El Yanga, was a maroon in Veracruz Mexico. Over the centuries many of the Africans enslaved all across the Americas and in the caribbean rebelled, escaped, or fled their captors. Gaspar Yanga or “El Yanga” was one of those who rebelled and established a maroon society in Mexico which survived many years, with countless Africans escaping and fleeing to its stronghold. His maroon society was so strong the Spanish tried to get him to negotiate and they fought back. Please share Gaspar Yanga’s story and look for his statue that todays stands in Veracruz.

Dig this? Check out Carlota Lukimi