quotes Tag

Quotes I Like 3 – Toni Morrison

I wrote this down on a piece of paper after watching the documentary about writer Toni Morrison’s life. I came away with lots of gems but this quote stood out. The context is the racism she and her family experience in the United States but I think it applies to governments like the United States who have used colonialization or imperialism as a way to steal resources and gain power.

“If you can only be tall when somebody is on their knees then you have a problem” -Toni Morrison.

Dig this? Check out this quote from KRS One

Handstyles 10 – Free Palestine

“If you’re not careful the newspapers (insert today’s media) will have you hating the people being oppressed, and loving the people who are oppressing” -Malcolm X

I would just like to give a continuous shout out to the people of Palestine, all of the refugees of Palestinian descent, the Jewish folks who also support, and all the folks around the world who support the right of Palestine to be free.  Free of apartheid rules, free to return to their homes and lands, and freedom from the oppressive regime of Israel (supported by the US Govt). It is not a conflict, it is a genocidal land grab. It is not a border, it is an illegal wall. I am not anti-semitic, I am anti oppressive regime (zionism). It is not a balanced number of people killing each other, it is one heavily funded and armed super state who have stolen land and lives, trying to kill, starve, and push a people off their land. Stay woke when it comes to the media framing of the issues from the statistics they push, to which experts are allowed to speak, to the words they use to describe the struggle there. How can you support? Boycott, divest, from Israeli products, support, travel, etc. Support Palestinian organizations who support a free Palestine. Support Palestinian businesses and artists. You can support a free Palestine, by saying it, and showing up in the streets, online, through organizing, with your dollars, and by learning. I also want to be clear that I am not advocating violence against the people of Israel, I am advocating that the boot of the Israeli Zionist gov’t be taken off the necks of Palestinian people.

To my Palestinian supporters, please comment or tag an organization doing good work so folks know. And please correct me if I have mis-spoken.

Dig this? Check out these letters for Hyphen or Colorlines magazine

Handstyles 8-Tupac Amaru

Great words from a great man. “Words of wisdom” was the first time I really heard Pac. 
Dig this? Check out these words from Stic Man (Dead Prez)
What is this? Handstyles! For as long as I’ve been drawing I’ve been practicing lettering. First i. the form of Graffiti, then calligraphy, graphic design, kerning, type setting, sign painting, and so many other forms. I’m not a designer or a lettering specialist, but I can hand write a few different styles and enjoy hand lettering when it’s done right.

Handstyles 6- Zack dela Rocha/ One day as a lion

Me and my son both love this song called “Wild International” by One day as a lion (Zack and Jon Theodore) . I believe the original photo of him was taken by Ros O’Gormon, but please correct me if I’m wrong.
What is this? Handstyles! For as long as I’ve been drawing I’ve been practicing lettering. First i. the form of Graffiti, then calligraphy, graphic design, kerning, type setting, sign painting, and so many other forms. I’m not a designer or a lettering specialist, but I can hand write a few different styles and enjoy hand lettering when it’s done right.

Dig this? Check out these lyrics by Tupac
Or these letters for Hyphen or Colorlines magazine
Check out this Zach de La Rocha quote 

Handstyles 5- BDP “Why is that”

The lyrics are from a Boogie Down Productions record called “Why is that?”
on the Blueprint album in 1989. Original photo? Possibly Doug Rowell. Not sure.

What is this? Handstyles! For as long as I’ve been drawing I’ve been practicing lettering. First i. the form of Graffiti, then calligraphy, graphic design, kerning, type setting, sign painting, and so many other forms. I’m not a designer or a lettering specialist, but I can hand write a few different styles and enjoy hand lettering when it’s done right.

Dig this? Check out these letters for Hyphen or Colorlines magazine
Check out this Zach de La Rocha quote 

Quotes I Like 2- Stic Man (Endurance)


In case you never heard this track here it is “Runner’s High“. Revamping an old idea, just quotes. No rhyme or reason, with photo or without, just practicing hand styles. Meaning that these are written by hand, not font.
Photo credit: I was unable to find the photographer who shot this, so if this is your photo please contact me so I can credit you.

What is this? Handstyles! For as long as I’ve been drawing I’ve been practicing lettering. First i. the form of Graffiti, then calligraphy, graphic design, kerning, type setting, sign painting, and so many other forms. I’m not a designer or a lettering specialist, but I can hand write a few different styles and enjoy hand lettering when it’s done right.

Dig this? Check out these lyrics by Tupac
Or these letters for Hyphen or Colorlines magazine
Check out this Zach de La Rocha quote 

Handstyles 3-Hands Off Syria!

If the U.S. Is getting involved, something is fishy, punto! Bombs do not equal liberation. Only Self determination with no US dollars funding sides and utter chaos. Here is a partial list of places where it is documented that the U.S. Disrupted, destroyed, or overthrew the governments (and many times democratic countries who refused to bow to US companies/corporations) and used the media to put forth an entirely contrary story:
Democratic Repub of The congo
The Philippines
Dominican Republic
Puerto Rico
Oh you’re going in to save or free the people of Syria? Bullshit! Tell that lie to somebody else. And conversate with your friends,relatives, co-workers, let em know this beast called US Imperialism has left tracks and foot prints of destruction in many many places.
Dig this? Check out these letters for Hyphen or Colorlines magazine
Check out this Zach de La Rocha quote