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Inspiring Artist – Mode 2 (NSFW)

MODE2 “Preludes” Art Exhibition in Paris from Rebild Productions on Vimeo.
I’m not joking when I say I have been a fan of this guy’s since I was a kid. It all started with Spraycan Art by Jim Prigoff. Then , just seeing his work in Graffiti magazines (before the internet). Then actually seeing some of his pieces up close in NYC. Now you can follow him on social media and he has had a website for at several years. Check out this video of him putting together a show!

Check out the post about Alberto Mielgo if you missed it

Inktober 23- Mode 2

Heres a wrinkly page from my sketch book of artist Mode 2, born in Mauritius, brought up in London, and spent much time in Paris. The first time I saw his work was on the cover of “Spraycan Art” my mom bought me when I was just a little kid doodling.  Always been a HUGE fan of his work. If you look closely at some of my paintings of figures and characters you can see where his influence snuck in. Its not intentional, but I have always looked at his work both on walls and on canvas or paper. While checking out Refa 1’s “Aerosoul” art show in Oakland I actually got to meet him very briefly. Hope to work with him some day. If you haven’t seen his wall paintings of characters or his erotic art, look him up!

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