Afro pick looking through some old files and found this ink drawing (4″x6″). Good idea, giving it away to the first person who comments here. January 16, 2011 Robert Trujillo in General 8 Comments 0 Likes
I love this ink drawing… so cute! You should keep it, way too cute to just give away : )!
Free drawing? Seriously?
Anyway, I really like the concept and execution. 🙂
Meche, i got plennnty of drawings.Too many! Since you commented first, let me know if you want it.
Ms Art Gyrl Samples, if Meche doesnt claim it, its yours. Waitin to hear back. Will let you know!
beAutiFul! 🙂
Thank you Mr or Ms Anonymous!
you should carve this outta some wood. would be a dope sculpture.
Huh, not a bad idea, been thinking about getting more three dimensional with the art…