aclu Tag

ACLU Annual Report 2018

Check it out, some more artwork for the Northern California chapter of the ACLU. A few take aways to notice are that in an annual report you have vital information about how an organization did its job. In this report you’ll find data on that and short pieces on education equity, voting rights, civil rights, lgbtq rights, immigration, and more. 
Here are some more process art.

If you’re pissed about a particular thing a city, state, school, president is doing I implore you to seek out an organization who is supporting what you believe in and contribute your time, money, and/or support to them. Get angry and get active, the institutions who fight for our rights need as much help as they can get. Doesn’t have to be the ACLU, could be your local organization, gallery, you get the point.

ACLU 100 + Panel

Happy to say that I will be speaking on a panel (1-2pm) this Sunday with Innosanto Nagara,  Gregory Sale, and Sabiha Basrai. The panel will be moderated by Gigi Harney. We will be talking about arts and activism. BUT, thats not the only thing happening. You can hear bands play, get books and art, dance, see local artisans, live art, and hear some more great speakers on both Saturday and Sunday.
This is the Facebook event page and this is the ACLU 100 site which is part of a nationwide event celebrating the work of the ACLU and talking about mass incarceration, Immigrant and voting rights, activism, and more.  Check out the other cities they will be posted up in 

Not familiar with the American Civil Liberties Union? Go check out some of the videos they have up on Youtube regarding LGBTQ, Activist, Muslim,  and Immigrants rights.

The Future is Ours to build – ACLU poster

Just got my copy in the mail. This is a poster illustration I just finished for ACLU, which is probably my third time working with them. Both the Northern and Southern California chapters. This poster was created for a conference this coming weekend by ACLU to talk with activists, organizers, and folks who lobby for new laws. And its about reimagining the future, hope, and building a collective future.

Check out some process art.

Dig this? Check out some illustrations for Elefint and the ACLU

Elefint – ACLU illustrations

I worked with a cool SF based design company called Elefint. They are the design team leading a project for the northern California ACLU with John Legend called “Meet your DA (District Attorney)“. This project aligns well with my values, Elefint’s, and the ACLU’s because it uses design and illustration to make sense of the justice system and how to fight for young peoples rights. Specifically the rights of young people of color who are the most caught up in it.WATCH THIS VIDEO!
Here is a link to their final design briefs and to the project website
Check out some of the illustrations

Did you like this? Check out this illustration I did for the Ella Baker Center!
Safety Is – America’s National Night Out

ACLU Illustration-Realize the dream

I am extremely honored to work with the American Civil Liberties Union. Here in Northern California and all across the US, the ACLU has helped regular everyday people who dont have million dollar lawyers to fight back against people and institutions who infringe or violate their rights. Their work has involved gender, race, hate crimes, police brutality, issues of privacy, and racial profiling. This particular project was brought to my attention by media strategist Catrina Chaos and designer Gigi Pandian.
This specific poster illustration was used as a way to engage activists at a conference focusing on ways to protect the rights of people caught up or wrongfully held in the criminal justice system! Please check out the ACLU for more information about their work. Check out some of the process.
Dig this? Check out this illustration I did for the ACLU x Central Valley Report