afro latinx Tag

Video: Macla “Beyond the Diaspora” show


Yo, this is a video of the artwork up at the Macla gallery in San Jose California if you would like to see. The show was about highlighting Afro Latinxs of many types and the artists who participated are: DJ Leydis (Cuba), Los Rakas (Panama), Anna Lisa Escobedo, Breena Nuñez (Guatemala), Vanessa Wallace, Thomas Jones, Diamela Fernandez, and Patricia Encarnacion. 

If you would like to see a virtual panel discussion featuring some of the artists from the show tune in February 23rd at 6pm. Go to MACLA for more details.

My work was from several Inktober drawings I made of Latinx and AfroLatinx people (artists, activists, atheletes) and two spreads from “Alejandria Fights Back”!

This is the previous post I made about the show.

Video: Furqan’s First read en Español


Hey folks, I realized it had been more than a year since I uploaded an English reading of my book. So here is a Spanish reading of “Furqan’s First Flat Top/ El Primer Corte de Mesita de Furqan”. Enjoy and feel free to share with Spanish teachers, bilingual students, etc. 
Where to purchase the book: My Shop
If you need more than 5 copies please email me at

Kickstarter- 13 Ways of Looking at a Black Boy

Hey, please check out this kickstarter to help publisher Penny Candy Books reprint this wonderful book written by Afro Latinx poet Tony Medina from NYC and illustrated by 13 Black illustrators from all over the country including yours truly.

If this campaign is successful this book will go into its 5th printing. That means hella people have loved it and purchased it. But, there are plenty of kids who have never seen it. Check out the video, campaign, and throw down if you got a few bucks. Kickstarter LINK

Thanks in advance!

Video – Furqan’s First in English/ Spanish

Peace, this is for the folks who’ve been asking. Feel free to share this with your child, student, or relatives during this social distancing, distanced learning, pandemic times. Below is the Spanish reading of the book.

Tia Carla did a reading of the book in Spanish already so I figured I’d share that for families to watch as its done quite well! Please check out her other videos of books in English and Spanish.

Inktober 8 – Roberto Clemente

Roberto was one of the best baseball players to step on the mound. He was born in 1934 in Barrio San Antón of Puerto Rico and began playing ball at an early age. Baseball is huge in Cuba, PR, the Dominican Republic and many other Latino & Caribbean countries. Clemente joined an amateur league in his teens and by the time he was 18 played for the national team Santurce. A major league team called the Brooklyn Dogers came to PR to play and offered him a spot. He bumped around after moving north and landed on the Pittsburg Pirates where he made a name for himself. He had a 353 bating average, he played in the world series, got 240 home runs, played with some of the greatest and was the first Afro Latino player in the league after the likes of Jackie Robinson. He died in a plane crash at an early age but was inducted into the baseball hall of fame and opened the door for many Latinos to join the MLB, which now has hundreds of players from Puerto Rico and other countries.

Sources: 21-Wilfred Santiago, Wikipedia

Peep this: Lolita Lebron

Inktober 6 – Breakbeat Lou

Lou Flores and Lenny Roberts are the creators and pioneers of “Ultimate Breakbeats” or UBB. When I was a kid the art on the covers attracted me and through them I got clues to what my mom used to say whenever I played a record she recognized. If it wasn’t for this man, so many dj’s wouldn’t know the fundamental and odd breaks that hip hop was founded upon. In fact many of the greatest hip hop records sampled Lou’s edits of old funk, rock, or soul songs to create their songs. Much love to you Lou! Lou is not only a collector, digger, but he also djs and made a resurgence in the public eye in the past 5-6 years. Follow @breakbeatlou . Your mom would be proud of you bro. Thx for your immense contribution to the culture. I still got mine! 

Sources: Youtube, Ultimate Breaks & Beats

Want this original drawing? $60 or Print? $20 (includes shipping)  

Got an idea for an org to donate 30% cost to? Email me

Inktober 4 – Joe Conzo

Joe is one of the most OG photographers from the Bronx to document the early days of hip hop culture. It is proof from his photos too that Latinos have always been there since the foundation of mcing, djing, etc. Joe who for many years was a fire fighter, struggled w/addiction developed a love for photography as a teen and went to park jams, knew some of the pioneers personally so he got some up close photos, and was often taking shots of Salsa and Jazz musicians of the time. Besides photographing famous musicians, he also has lent his eye to social issues and his photos have been featured in books, films, documentaries, and countless articles. In many ways he showed there was love, creativity, and resilience among Black and Brown communities of NYC while the city was neglecting the people. Peep more at or follow him @joeconzo Respect Joe!! 

Sources:, Youtube

Want this original drawing? $60 or Print? $20 (includes shipping)  

Got an idea for an org to donate 30% cost to? Email me

Inktober 9 – Janel Martinez

I relate to Janel a lot just hearing about the mix of cultures she grew up with and having to “explain” to people who you are w/o constantly getting asked “what are you”? For those that are not up on her work, she is a young Journalist out of the Boogie Down who works in culture, current events, tech, etc. She writes about her culture too making it more possible for other young brothers and sisters too identify with both their African and Latino roots and to be damn proud of it. The difficult part of this is not just explaining it to white people, it’s breaking it down for Latinos and for African Americans and getting a better understanding of who “Afro-Latinos” are. Self love first. Check out the work she does with her business and blog “Ain’t I Latina?” On the social media platforms and blogs she not only talks about her experiences but highlights those of other Afro-Latinas in the world; past and present. This is dope because it lets everyone know that folks have so many more dimensions and complexity to them. And it allows people to follow many more change makers and successful entrepreneurs. Right on Janel.

Want this original drawing? $60 or Print? $20 (includes shipping)  
Got an idea for an org to donate 30% cost to? Email me

Inktober 8 – Arturo Schomburg

The way I first heard about Arturo Schomburg was from living in NYC. And I was 26/27 when I first moved to NYC. One of the reasons I think ethnic studies is so important in all schools at all levels is that both white and children of color are getting a fraction of their history. Imagine how many people still don’t know about him, the center, or his work. This brother was Afro-Latino. What does that mean? He was born in Puerto Rico, spoke spanish but was Black. Why? Because Africans were stolen from the continent and dragged to work in slavery in the US and caribbean and South America. Arturo was a journalist and a scholar who collected articles, papers, and books about who Blacks and Afro-Latinos are. He collected so much of it that it became the basis for a library in Harlem where countless people have gone to research and go back to find out who we are. One of the reasons why he searched for our history is because a teacher told him that he and his people had no history. And if you look out most forms of media today that depict or retell history-it is like they’re saying the same thing. One day we’ll see a narrative film about him.

Peep this: Puerto Rico book