Annual report Tag

ACLU Annual Report 2018

Check it out, some more artwork for the Northern California chapter of the ACLU. A few take aways to notice are that in an annual report you have vital information about how an organization did its job. In this report you’ll find data on that and short pieces on education equity, voting rights, civil rights, lgbtq rights, immigration, and more. 
Here are some more process art.

If you’re pissed about a particular thing a city, state, school, president is doing I implore you to seek out an organization who is supporting what you believe in and contribute your time, money, and/or support to them. Get angry and get active, the institutions who fight for our rights need as much help as they can get. Doesn’t have to be the ACLU, could be your local organization, gallery, you get the point.

Oakland Pub Library Illustration

This is a quick illustration I did for the Oakland Public Library’s annual report. Through art director Randal Ann Homan my job was to bring illustrate a view of people outside of the library but also an element that brings people to the library. In this I wanted to show the passing of knowledge and adventure from one generation to the next; while flying with a bit of whimsical imagination. Inside this report there is information about the numbers showing how many come through the library. But there is also information about what programs the library offers.  If I ever hit the lottery I’m going to donate a huge sum of money to the libraries in Oakland and Berkeley because I use them so much.

If you’d like to download the report you can do so here LINK