artists of color Tag

Inspiring Artist – Shinji Kimura

Shinji Kimura is one of my most favorite artists. I started following his work after seeing the film TekkenKinkreet based on a Taiyo Matsumoto manga. His background drawings and paintings for that film blew me away. He is the art director and lead set designer for Studio 4c (Japanese Anime studio) and he also directs and does book illustration. The dude is  in his 60s I believe and worked on the original Akira film. Check out some of his work.
Deathtic 4 film

Deathtic 4 film

Hipira book

Tekkenkinkreet artbook

Tekkenkinkreet artbook

Tekkenkinkreet artbook

Tekkenkinkreet artbook

More links to his work at Anima News and Imdb
Seen the last Inspiring Artist? Paul Davey (Mattahan)

Artist Ammunition feature

So blessed to be featured here on this new creative endeavor of long time homie and fellow creative Halline “Haylow” Overby who does amazing work as a DJ, videographer, and photographer. In this new series he is working to highlight the work of other artists much the same way he did with the TV show Distortion 2 Static back in the day. Please follow the progress of this series and interact with it by giving props, constructive criticism, or suggestions for other artists.