artists Tag

That’s How the Light Gets In-Podcast

Really enjoyed listening to this podcast!

You might hear me critique politicians or systems and think Rob is just anti this or that. But, although I am anti systems of Capitalism, Patriarchy, Homophobia, Police brutality, so many things I am very PRO getting off your ass and getting involved beyond electroral politics. Those serve a purpose as well tho, dont get me wrong. What I want folks to do is join a fucking organization, and link arms with other orgs so you can learn from each other and champion ea others causes. Joining organization builds power, and when we have power we dont have to ask, we can demand.

That being said if you saw my profile image of the huge street mural painted in front of Black Rock in SF who are actively funding genocide-David and Gemma are two down ass foo’s who were leading us all that day and I have hella respect for them. On this podcast they are interviewed by photographer and activist Brooke Anderson who has been there documenting so many of our movements for ages. Please listen to this show, rate it, subscribe, and recommend more movement artists who should be on the show in the BAY.

Link to listen

Dig this? Check out my last inspiration board because this is the type of stuff that inspires me!

Inspiration board 31

Hey sometimes its podcasts, sometimes its a person i met. This is my 3-4 times per year collage of inspiring things and people. Some you’ll recognize right off the bat. Some, I hope will be new to you. These things keep me inspired to keep creating.
From top to bottom, left to right: 1. Thee Lakesiders-oldies LA Soul group, 2.The Etherington Brothers-great storytellers 3. Klassy-LA Rapper/Mama 4. Andrea Smith-illustrator w/ amazing vendor set up 5. SF Etsy Holiday Emporium-inspiring to experience indy power 6. San Nukas-A portrait of Moses Powell 7. Quackers-Liz Wong Picture book 8. Spider Verse-dope film 9. My daughter’s arrival this year has been amazing and awe inspiring 10. Teymori-house producer/musician 11. Stephanie Bueno-Lowrider/Photographer 12. Diedra & Laney-great film 13. Captain Fantastic-incredible film 14. Greywater systems for homes 15. Art of James Turell 16. We Out Here- British Jazz LP
There are so many more, but I’ll have to save them til the next time. In the meantime, keep creating and check out some of these creative folks/endeavors. To see previous boards follow the tag on this blog: inspiring stuff. For example, here is board 30 and 29

You can purchase my book “Art of Rob” here

Inspiration board 30

Some inspirations on my mind for the past 6 months, from top to bottom, left to right.

Arlan Hamilton-First Black woman to start and run a successful venture capitalist firm 2. Art of Alex Ross 3. Journalist extraordinaire Nikole Hannah Jones 4. Ghost-written by Jason Reynolds 5. From Far Away – Robert Munsch and Saoussan Askar 6. Legendary house music producer Larry Heard 7. Art of Little Red House/ Aggie Cheung 8. By Chance or Providence – Becky Cloonan 9. Etsy Conversations Podcast for business 10. Genevieve Santos- Incredible artist/ entrepreneur (Thx Nidhi!) 11. Black Thought vs 9th Wonder – Streams of Thought 12. Jessica Jones – Netflix/Marvel show 13. Benny Doesn’t Like to be Hugged – Zetta Elliott picture book about an autistic boy 14. Dani Diez- Illustrator 15. The Feminist on Cellblock Y- CNN Documentary 16. Nipsey Hussle – Victory Lap LP

Here is the previous board 29

What’s this? This inspiration board is one of the ways I stay inspired and sane through all of life’s trials, and tribulations, work, etc. I’ve been making inspiration boards full of films, books, music, events, people, artists, movements, and more for over a decade. Do you have an inspiration board? Please share in the comments.
Who am I? My name is Rob and I’m an artist working in kid lit, public art, and other disciplines. Go to my website, or follow me on IG or YouTube.

You can purchase my book “Art of Rob” here