Inspiration board 31
Hey sometimes its podcasts, sometimes its a person i met. This is my 3-4 times per year collage of inspiring things and people. Some you’ll recognize right off the bat. Some, I hope will be new to you. These things keep me inspired to keep creating.
From top to bottom, left to right: 1. Thee Lakesiders-oldies LA Soul group, 2.The Etherington Brothers-great storytellers 3. Klassy-LA Rapper/Mama 4. Andrea Smith-illustrator w/ amazing vendor set up 5. SF Etsy Holiday Emporium-inspiring to experience indy power 6. San Nukas-A portrait of Moses Powell 7. Quackers-Liz Wong Picture book 8. Spider Verse-dope film 9. My daughter’s arrival this year has been amazing and awe inspiring 10. Teymori-house producer/musician 11. Stephanie Bueno-Lowrider/Photographer 12. Diedra & Laney-great film 13. Captain Fantastic-incredible film 14. Greywater systems for homes 15. Art of James Turell 16. We Out Here- British Jazz LP