book box Tag

Jambo Books Box

Hey, so I got a chance to collaborate with Jambo Books Club, a new company that has created a diverse kids books box for anyone looking to find new books. The founders have two daughters who inspired them and you can read more about their company HERE.
Check it out, some of my story time illustrations on their book boxes and a peak inside. 
If you are interested in licensing any of my artwork for your products or company please contact me at

Booklandia Coloring sheets

Big shout out to bilingual book box “Booklandia” for including some of my artwork as a coloring sheet for kids in their recent book boxes. Booklandia was founded by Maceo Cabrera-Estevez in Oakland California to send picture books, middle grade, and young adult kids books to parents and educators across the world. This company is very special because it seeks to share books that feature children of all colors in English and Spanish. Check them out. Here is some more artwork.

And the original image from my bookplate!
Bookplates here