mobilize the immigrant vote Tag

Power California – Cultural strategy

Hey folks, just got news that this new repost is out. And its designed by my wife (who did the cover illustration). It features some great resources for groups, organizers, and political activists on using artwork and cultural strategy in tandem with political or organizing work. You can download the report here. And here is a link to more information about Power California who I illustrated this poster for recently.
Here is a sample page with my artwork paired side by side with Oree Originol.

Walkout, Organize, Vote – Poster

This poster is for youth to use in walkouts around gun violence (police are a huge part of that) and more; commissioned by Mobilize the Immigrant Vote andĀ YVoteCA.

MIV organizes with Black, Latinx, and Asian folks across California to get elders, adults, and their grand children involved in local, city, and state elections to fight back against racist policies. I had the pleasure of being an artist in residence with MIV creating portraits of members and illustrating scenes to help non Black POC understand African American migration in the US. YVote CA is a group also organizing from northern, southern, and central California. Specifically, millennial voters since they are 1/3 of the population and the nation’s most diverse population. Please follow both to learn moreĀ  and support.

Voting: I understand many men and boys my age don’t give a #$%^ about voting. You have reason to be skeptical because we are dealing with an imperialist, capitalist, sexist, homophobic, and racist government (multinational corporations). I get it. But, after spending time with young men and women I can say that there is a lot to learn about laws & policies affecting your block, neighborhood, city, and state. If you’re not going to promote voting, cool. But please support folks in grassroots or community organizations who are “organizing” because talking shit is not enough. Thank you to those men who are already doing this.

And for the record I believe any reform on gun violence must include disarming the police across the US. I believe women & youth must be at the forefront of the conversation and their opinions treated with respect.

Dig this? Check out some portraits painted for Mobilize the Immigrant Vote

Visions for a Strong California

This past winter, in addition to working with MIV creating artwork to learn about what is what in the system of voting, I also had the chance to create some work for some of their related campaigns. Such as this one , which includes a coalition of folks who are fighting for a California that respects and values the rights of immigrants within the state. That means access to healthcare, fair and just treatment in the courts and legal systems, civil rights, investment in public schools, and more for all immigrants living in California. 
The coalition of folks working to make this a reality is strong, some of the folks involved are:
Just Cause/Causa Justa, Asian Law Caucas, Chinese for Affirmative Action, Familia-TransQueer Liberation Movement, National Immigration Law Center, United Farm Workers Foundation, Undocumented Students Program-UC Berkeley, Priority Africa Network, and more.
Here are some of the original illustrations, please follow the link to download a copy of the Visions in 6 different languages.

Big shout out to Reshma from ACLU, Jidan, Suguey, and the whole MIV team!

Portraits for Mobilize the Immigrant Vote

Here are some portraits I painted for “Mobilize the Immigrant vote”. These portraits were commissioned for voting campaigns online and in print to educate people about propositions to vote for or against. The folks in these portraits are working activists and/or parents or kids of activists who not only want to share their experience but want to win more protection, equal rights, and justice for their families and loved ones. And with the current election results you can understand why.

To see the guides themselves or to learn more about MIV, please go to:Ā

Dig this? Check out the art for Realize The Dream

Until we are all free!! Site/tool kit

The cover art is by Crystal Clarity and I’m proud to be a part of this project by collaborating with both CultureStrike and Mobilize the Immigrant Vote to create artwork that speaks to voting rights, the stories of migrants in this world, and the collaborative work of activists and artists. You need some stories to share? Some curriculum? Some actions to attend? Some social media to follow that will make you think? They got you. Please follow Culture Strike, Mobilize the Immigrant Vote, and the Black Alliance for Just Immigration. But first, go to 

These are some of the art pieces I did for the art & story lessons:

Some words from CultureStrike:
Today is the day!
CultureStrike, in partnership with @mivcalifornia, @instabaji, and Asian American Writerā€™s Workshop launch: ā€œUntil We Are All Free Declaration of Unity,ā€ written by Zimbabwean author NoViolet Bulawayo.
Signing onto the Declaration are over 65 artists and organizations. Cultural workers like Wangechi Mutu, Janet Mock , Teju Cole, Roxane Gay, Marlon James, Staceyann Chin, Raul Pacheco from Ozomatli, Mike De la Rocha, Jasiri X, Cameron Russell, Aurora Guerrero, Dream Hampton, Hari Kondabolu, Rinku Sen, and organizations like African Communities Together, Chinese Progressive Association, CHIRLA and many more respond to increasing anti-migrant sentiment, systemic criminalization of communities of color (especially of Black communities), and are calling for transformational solidarity at the intersections of racial justice and migrant rights.
Please visit UNTILWEAREALLFREE.COM to read the Declaration (available in 6 different languages), and please sign on!

Mobilize the Immigrant Vote 1- Portraits

Benson, 21, Oakland, Mobilize the Immigrant vote

Benson, 21, Oakland, Mobilize the Immigrant vote

Benson, 21, Oakland, Mobilize the Immigrant vote

Just finished several portraits for a statewide organization called “Mobilize the Immigrant Vote”. These portraits are being used in a small campaign to engage voters of many different races. This past spring I was invited to be their first artist in residence which is a big #$%^& deal. In the past i’ve worked with many organizations who only need you for one image or don’t ask for your input on when, where, and how the artwork is to be used. But this time its quite different with MIV because I have been invited to collaborate with them and to produce art that pulls in your eye, hopefully. These folks you see are young people and adults who are either first generation immigrants themselves or their parents were. And it is extremely important to that they reach other youth so we can get them informed and involved in law, policy, and organizing. 
These were sponsored by the MIV action fund and We are California. If you’ve never voted or totally disagree with voting, let me know why in the comments-no judgement here. Stay tuned.