Rad Dad Magazine Tag

Who I’ve run with-Crews/Families

Hey y’all, this is an appreciation post about some of the folks I’ve run with, worked with, and learned from. Some of these folks I’ve known since I was a kid, some I met in college or as an adult. All of them have given me a tremendous amount of love, support, ideas, game, and support and I’m happy to work with them.

Top to bottom, left to right: 

1. Trust Your Struggle Collective– (Bay Area, NYC, int’l) Crew of Graffiti writers, educators, muralists, organizers, etc who create large scale murals, gallery exhibitions, and educational workshops. Founded in 2003! I’m a proud co-founder of this crew. Learn more here.

2. Social Justice Children’s Book Holiday Fair– (Bay Area) This is a kids book fair founded by authors, illustrators, teachers, organizers, and book lovers in 2017. This fair champions books featuring People of color, queer folks, and social justice minded creators to serve our community. See some photos from past events here.

3. Tone/ Umber: (Bay Area) Both magazines were founded by an incredible designer, artist, and father Mike Nicholls who has been going since 2016 I believe with Umber magazine. A journal to celebrate Black and Brown stories relating to manhood, sports, music, lifestyle, and more. I was briefly a part of Tone , a magazine dedicated to Black men which is currently dormant, but you can see Umber here.

4. Rad Dad Magazine (Bay Area) Founded by Tomas Moniz in 2005. Rad Dad was a zine and magazine dedicated to helping fathers of all stripes share their experiences, triumphs, and challenges as dads. Read more here.

5. Muphoric Sounds– (NYC/London) Founded by Vanessa Warren in 2008 MS functioned as a booming part of the music blog landscape. We wrote about new and old music primarily focused on Soul, Hip Hop, Jazz, Funk, Electronic, and House. Read some of the pieces here.

6. The Bull Horn Blog/ M is for Movement– (Boston/Bay Area). This is a blog founded by Innosanto Nagara, Alison Goldberg, and Janine Macbeth that highlighted children’s books from multiple age groups featuring stories by people of color and social justice minded creators. Read posts here.

Dig this? Check out my interview with Avy Jetter of Oakland Creates

Rad Families

Hey parents and folks who know parents to be the new anthology of Rad Dads, moms, and parents edited by the founder of Rad Dad Tomas Moniz. I’m happy to be a part of this book and to hold space with other parents when talking about the love, struggles, and strife. It features joints I’ve seen from the Rad Dad magazine and other pieces from zines. You can cop the book here at PM Press.

Here is some more info about the book:

Rad Families: A Celebration honors the messy, the painful, the playful, the beautiful, the myriad ways we create families. This is not an anthology of experts, or how-to articles on perfect parenting; it often doesn’t even try to provide answers. Instead, the writers strive to be honest and vulnerable in sharing their stories and experiences, their failures and their regrets.

Gathering parents and writers from diverse communities, it explores the process of getting pregnant from trans birth to adoption, grapples with issues of racism and police brutality, probes raising feminists and feminist parenting. It plumbs the depths of empty nesting and letting go.
Some contributors are recognizable authors and activists but most are everyday parents working and loving and trying to build a better world one diaper change at a time. It’s a book that reminds us all that we are not alone, that community can help us get through the difficulties, can, in fact, make us better people. It’s a celebration, join us!

Contributors include Jonas Cannon, Ian MacKaye, Burke Stansbury, Danny Goot, Simon Knaphus, Artnoose, Welch Canavan, Daniel Muro LaMere, Jennifer Lewis, Zach Ellis, Alicia Dornadic, Jesse Palmer, Mindi J., Carla Bergman, Tasnim Nathoo, Rachel Galindo, Robert Liu-Trujillo, Dawn Caprice, Shawn Taylor, D.A. Begay, Philana Dollin, Airial Clark, Allison Wolfe, Roger Porter, cubbie rowland-storm, Annakai & Rob Geshlider, Jeremy Adam Smith, Frances Hardinge, Jonathan Shipley, Bronwyn Davies Glover, Amy Abugo Ongiri, Mike Araujo, Craig Elliott, Eleanor Wohlfeiler, Scott Hoshida, Plinio Hernandez, Madison Young, Nathan Torp, Sasha Vodnik, Jessie Susannah, Krista Lee Hanson, Carvell Wallace, Dani Burlison, Brian Whitman, scott winn, Kermit Playfoot, Chris Crass, and Zora Moniz.

Editor: Tomas Moniz • Foreword by Ariel Gore
Publisher: PM Press
ISBN: 978-1-62963-230-8
Published: 10/01/2016
Format: Paperback
Size: 8×5
Page count: 296
Subjects: Family-Relationships

Rad Families Anthology

All you Rad Dad’s and families out there! Rad Dad is back with a new anthology of works. Peep this message from the founder Tomas Moniz….and order the book for your store, library, or home
Hello, it’s Tomas Moniz, editor and writer and creator of RAD DAD (zine, magazine, & books). After a hiatus following the release of our final magazine issue, we at the RAD DAD collective are back with an exciting birth announcement: RAD FAMILIES is due around September! 

It’s a vibrant & necessary anthology of writings by so many amazing people (including a number of trans, queer, & POC voices) all examining what it means to create family! 

Helps us spread the word, set up an event, & create community!

Questions email tomas.moniz@gmail.com.

In solidarity!


Rad Dad mag is out!

You’ve been waiting for this last magazine issue of Rad Dad Magazine? Here it go, if you didnt cop one, support that. If you already got the message, think of a young father who don’t know yet. We fathers have to converse, chop it up, share wisdom, and just relate so we can raise these babies right.

33 hours left for Rad Dad

In case you’ve missed it, i work with this magazine and i’m glad to volunteer my time for such a worthy endeavour-becoming better parents, to raise healthier children.

Some campaigns worth supporting

The Seshen-An amazing
 Bay Area bread band that infuses electronic, jazz, and soul music

Miss Rizos-An Afro-Latino from the DR who is promoting pride and beauty in Black Hair

Counter Pulse-A very awesome space where I’ve witnessed shows like “Our Daily Bread” and”Ampey”

And of course, Rad Dad-a magazine made by radical fathers of every hue

Rad Dad!! Why another crowd funded project?

Quick Rad Dad: Yo! It’s official, the Rad Dad magazine collective just launched a kickstarter to support the creation of three new magazines for the year of 2015! But before I get into the particulars of this I wanna talk about why I get down with this crew and why it I’m involved in another crowd funded project. Were a multicultural/background crew of dads who wanna continue to make a dope magazine that is funded by cool ass people like yourself, not the military or patriarchal bullshit. Wanna talk about our children being murdered? Rampant disrespect of our sisters and trans bredren? Wanna help us raise these babies right? Become a contributor to the mag.

Long RAD DAD: First, when I became a dad I made a commitment to my son to always be there, to always do my best, to teach, love, and to protect him in anyway I can. There are some days when I have triumphed at this amazingly and days when I’ve failed horribly. When you are a young father you think you are all alone out there. Sometimes you get into arguments with your partner, your parents, your partners parents, people on the street,etc. There are always people trying to tell you how to raise your child. And truth be told you $#%& up a lot. But it is priceless when you find another father willing to offer advice, not to tell what you’re doing wrong but to confide in you that they screwed up too. And to tell you that it will get better and that despite of race, class, background, gender, whatever you can do it. I’ve been fortunate to get some good conversations with dads like this of all kind of backgrounds, rich, poor, black, white, asian, latino, transgender. I think that a lot of Tv, media, and news don’t tell enough of our stories as fathers. Especially these moments when we reach out to one another and show love.

I read the Rad Dad zine as just another guy before I met Tomas Moniz or the rest of the crew. A fellow dad shared it with me. i love zines for their attitude of “do it yourself”. Zine makers don’t wait for funding or a publisher, or advertisements; they just make it happen. And that is what Tomas did with countless other dads for nearly a decade. Last year he got a cast of characters together to make a new form of that zine happen. He crowd funded the 3 issues we have put out in 2014, the first of which, my work was on the cover for. And now we’re going to do it again.

Why crowd funding? It was explained to me when I was just a child literally that a system exists which works towards a goal, one goal. That system of Capitalism has many working and moving parts here in the US and globally which strive for money, control, and power. It enforces its control through many means and Patriarchy is one of them. Patriarchy is a disease that says women are less than. Its one which puts women down, asks men to beat, curse, and disgrace them. And it teaches men to pick up a gun instead, rape, or fuck a woman and leave-instead of raising a child, getting consent, and showing love to one’s fellow human being. Now believe me, I am no saint and have fucked up before. But I believe in this magazines potential to reach parents and parents to be out there, especially young men. I believe we and the people we reach out to have something to say that goes against the system of Patriarchy and Capitalism. It ain’t the end all to be all, but it is definitely a magazine that isn’t going to be quiet or accept adds from cigarette companies and the National Guard, feel me? So we turn to crowd funding because we know there are people who agree with us, and we know that there are folks who could make up their own mind about parenting if they had another view point to chose from. Ok, stepping off soapbox.

Reasons to support:
1. We are pro print! Get this thing in your hands, touch, feel it, pass it on

2. We are multicultural/multi-background crew of fathers, mothers, and allies. Diversity is important.

3. We are feminists who are dads, and are fighting against Patriarchy

4. We are a collective that collaborates to put this thing together

5. Rad Dad’s is not what we are, but what we aspire to be

6. We believe in Rad as in “Radical Parenting”, which sometimes challenges society and grandparents.

7. We hope to continue providing a platform to talk, vent, discuss, share, and celebrate parenthood.

Spread the word y’all, especially to blogs, sites, radio programs, and places that have the ear of the people. One love!

SHARE LINK: http://kck.st/10l0OnI