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Shop Tiny -SF Etsy

I’m excited to share a live QVC style event that I’ll be participating in next weekend along with 50 other Bay Area makers. It’s the “Shop Tiny” or online SF Etsy craft show which will run videos and features of different makers on the SF Etsy Blog. Why? We makers make our living from our art. There are lots of folks who have day jobs, but many who make their living from their art. And with the world shut down we still gotta hustle even if we can’t meet people face to face. So, tune in for the live show. Tell a friend anywhere in the world to tune in as this will be virtual. You’ll see DIY Kits, Self-Care Products, Cards, Stickers & Stationary,Clothing & Tees, Jewelry & Accessories, Home Decor, and Art & Illustration. I’ll also share my book and some new prints.
There will be giveaways of art and handmade products, live art projects and demonstrations, tips for home manicures, tips for making the perfect cocktail and a lot more!
Friday April 24, 2020 4pm – 6pm
Saturday April 25, 2020 10am – 2pm
Sunday April 26, 2020 10am – 2pm
Evite link Facebook
Eventbrite Link

If you’re not following SFEtsy on social media here are some links:
Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

Here are some photos from last year’s holiday event

April Love and Light Switches 2012 +Commission

Yo! its been awhile with the switch plates. After I did the collage of switches I needed to handle some other biz while I digested all that had been done. Then, someone asked me to do a custom joint which is cool because it’s been awhile since I did one. I liked the color combination so much I decided to do two sets. Holler back if you want me to paint a set for you or for a friend.