sketches Tag

Sketches 4

A page from my 2021 sketchbook
Sketch from a painting I did for The Center for Cultural Power (CultureStrike)
Sketch of Dr Muriel Petioni, mother of medicine in Harlem for BLK History Month

Sup with it fam, its been awhile since I shared some sketches from my process. I share process art a lot with different projects but sometimes I just love looking back at the sketches I made before painting some of my personal or client work. Sometimes the sketches are better than the final. Something about the energy in them.

Spreads from “I am Sausal Creek/ El Arroyo Sausal” written by Melissa Reyes and illustrated by me
Sketch for a painting of pioneering animator Brenda Banks for BLK History Month
Letters for the 15th anniversary of the Trust Your Struggle Collective
One of many color sketches I did for a sticker
A sketch for a UC Berkeley project “We Too Belong”
Wanna see more of my sketches?
A doodle from my sketchbook
A sketch from a picture book called “We Are Yoga/ Somos Yoga” written by Jill Guerra and illustrated by me
One last one, these are sketches for a sticker I did that reminds me to PAUSE.
Dig these sketches? Check out this video of my last sketchbook tour. Thx for tuning in. Sign up for my newsletter or follow me on Instagram.

Sketches 3

This is a sketch for a portrait of graffiti artist Spie
Sup with it fam, its been awhile since I shared some sketches from my process. I share process art a lot with different projects but sometimes I just love looking back at the sketches I made before painting some of my personal or client work. Sometimes the sketches are better than the final. Something about the energy in them.
This was for East Oakland’s “Street Level Health”
Chapter 510 (organization) sketch
Sketch from the book Sam! Published by Penny Candy Books
Curry sketch – Warriors
Wide sketch for “Asian Art Museum” in SF
For BLK History month 2021 – Little Richard
This is a sketch for “Orange Barrel Media” AD in Ohio
Here’s a self portrait I did many years ago
Sketch Postcard for “Sunrise Movement”
Sketch for Zumbi (Zion-I) RIP
Here’s a sketch from “Alejandria Fights Back” pub by Feminist press
Thanks for checking out the sketches. If you notice the majority of my sketches are on paper with pencil. In the last few years I have been using an I-pad pro increasingly to speed up the sketch process and move things around, so you’ll be seeing more of those sketches. If you dig these check out my sketchbook tour
Here’s the last sketches post I made in 2018

My Kickstarter is LIVE!


Hey fam, thank you for continuing to rock with me. Today is the day. My new kickstarter (my first since Furqan’s First Flat Top) is LIVE!!!!! Please follow the link to see the campaign and stay tuned for more updates and posts about what it is and why I’m doing it!
THE LINK >>>>>>

Sketches 1

What follows is a sketch dump of client, personal, and unused work. I like the sketches because sometimes the under drawing is better than the painting. And it shows the thinking that goes into the final lines.
Client Sketch for a book cover
Client work for the ACLU around juvenile justice 

Client sketch for an album cover

Client sketch for a yoga project 

Can’t remember who this was for, but it was concept type for a client

The man, Moses Powell who developed “Sanuces Ryu” – a form of jujitsu

Client type design

Sketch for Asian American Heritage month of comedian and activist Margaret Cho

Sara Khoshjamal-Fekri taekwondo champ

Client sketch for the Oakland Public Library

Client Sketch for juvenile justice
If you missed my sketchbook tour from a 2014 book, check it out here