skyline college Tag

Speaking at Rock the School Bells 17

I’m blessed that I get to speak to youth tomorrow at @rocktheschoolbells about one of my favorite things!!! Art Books and Education, specifically I’m going to converse with them about doorways to creative fields and what part inspiration can play in liberation.

If you’ve got kids going to the 17th annual “Rock The School Bells” a dope conference for youth about hip hop history, skills, workshops, performance, and knowledge send em my way 🙏🏾 check out my bro OG @dodatamen who will be rocking as well!!
@skyline_college in #SanBruno California.

For more information about location, time, and all the other speakers please go to Rock The School Bells

Dig this? Check out when I spoke at Modesto Junior College

Rock the School Bells – Educators Conference

Peace y’all, I will be tabling at the 12th annual Rock the School Bells Conference for educators on march 9th and the Conference for youth w/ workshops on March 23rd at Skyline College in San Bruno California. Come through if you work with youth or if you have youth that you’d like to expose to some dope hip hop & ethnic studies education.

Need more information? Want to volunteer? MORE INFO

Here are some videos from past years so you can get an idea for what to expect.