Zombi kid Tag

Zombi Kid campaign

Support this dope project, el Zombi Kid!!! 
Who: 656 Comics! 
Where: Ciudad Juarez, Mexico > The world 
What: An incredible new graphic novel (in spanish) about loss of loved ones, bringing them back from the after life, etc by an experienced crew of illustrators, writers, and designers who’ve brought over 10 comics to life and continue to be a creative force in their city on the border of Mexico and the U.S. Middle grade
Why: Because we need to read more incredible spanish sci-fi/fantasy/horror/funny comics. 
When: Their campaign ends in 56 days (posted May 10th, 2017) 
How: Sharing, sharing and more sharing

If you’ll recall I visited 656 Comics a few years back to talk about art making and have worked with them in the past as a contributor to one of many comics they’ve produced. Check out this old video where they talk about who they make comics for.

Character 39- Zombi Kid (656 Zombi Book)

Last year I was super excited to be included in the design of my own Zombi kid for The Zombi Kid Art Book. Zombi Kid is a comic book character created by Dominique Arce, Oliver Arce and the pushed forward by the entire 656 Comics team. It is an awesome character with a strong design and whenever i have shown people my version of it they usually ask where its from and i tell them, 656 Comics!

The team from Ciudad Juarez (which I visited almost two years ago) created an entire artbook of interpretations, comics pages, collaborations, character designs, and more. i’m not sure when they will be selling the physical copy of the book, but you can see the digital version now. Please spread the word to other comics lovers, 656 is on a move!

DIGITAL Book link