Character 10-Storm

Was sketching this the other day and thought of “Storm” from the X-Men immediately. It’s definitely not Halle, but its my post Afro Punk feeling of what she would look like if she lived on Lexington ave..Feel me on this one.
August 8, 2010
in General, Ilustration
Comin' with the 80's mohawk Storm? Very nice!
do it up!
back in the day i traced everything john byrne did for marvel: xmen, spiderman, fantastic four, avengers…. i can barely draw a crooked line these days, but i'm drinking milk and one day i'ma get tight again i swair!
UP: Thx, see, im alil' late on the old school comics-im just barely startin to know who these folk r-but mann ur already tight!
Zees: Thank u, thank u sir-I see u been WORKIN!!