Inspiration 8

Inspiration 8

Inspiring people/things. Georgina Anne Muldrow-Singer, composer. “Water Writes” murals+water+Estria Foundation, Zetta Elliott-Author/Activist”A Wish After Midnight”, The Akonadi Foundation-for supporting artists!East Bay Edibles-I have a piece in the next issue,”Black Science Fiction Society”,Nathalie Mvondo’s “Multiculturalism Rocks” Blog-dope resources, super down to earth sister! JDavey-just listen. Movement Ink, design company by brother Rene Quinones. Art of Tatsuyuki Tanaka-dope animator/illustrator. Ashay By The Bay- childrens books w/ a focus on African American kids. Amara Tabor Smith-Our Daily bread+”Deep Waters”, super dope performing artists! Mshindo Kuumba, incredible illustrator/comics artist.”Reading in Color”, blog about YA novels+ focus on people of color. Tambien La LLuvia-great film w/Gael Garcia Bernal. And “Art of Living” meditation/yoga/breathing course from super humble folks.Thats all folks…

Comments: 6
  • MissA April 19, 2011 1:08 am

    Thank you so much for including me on your inspiration board, I'm honored 🙂 I love Zetta's work and Nathalie's blog! I'll have to check some of these other sites/research the people.

  • Robert Trujillo/Tres April 19, 2011 1:14 am

    Right on Ari, u do great work!!! I'll keep promoting ur site however I can!Thank u for doing what u do!

  • Anonymous April 26, 2011 7:01 am

    Rob, you're the gift that keeps on giving! Thanks! Let me know if you're ever in my area. 🙂

  • Robert Trujillo/Tres April 26, 2011 7:09 am

    Uffff, im in the Bay all day homie! No doubt, u deserve as much shine as possible sis!

  • Unknown May 23, 2011 5:21 pm

    Robert, what a wonderful blog board. I really like how you put it together. You are creative. I love your art and you are very talented. Thank you for including Ashay by the Bay… as we continue to educate and empower our children.

  • Robert Trujillo/Tres May 23, 2011 5:21 pm

    Right on Deborah, stop by often and holler back when you can!

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