Portrait Collage of Chapter 510/ Oak Library teens

I started working with Chapter 510 who commissioned the above portraits in 2014 maybe. Maybe earlier but they were one of the first organizations (Janet, Mariah, and Erica) who loved my work, approached me to work with them and illustrate portraits, characters, and more for their website, marketing materials, etc. The above portraits were done in collaboration with the Oakland Public Library over the span of many years.
Chapter 510 is an incredible organixation, similar to 826 Valencia in SF where they cultivate, nourish, and feed young writers, poets, and storytellers with classes, workshops, opportunities to publish, events, slams, readings, and more. Couple that with Oakland Public Library who offers a wealth of knowledge, stories, resources, entertainment, and community space and you havee a powerful combo.
I just wanted to share a collage looking back over the years of some of these poets!

These are some moments of action at Chapter 510.

Here’s one more portrait of a young poet named Greer.

Dig this? Check out some ink drawings I did of some writers at Chapter 510, or the artwork I did for the Oakland Public Library summer reading series.