RYSE Center in Richmond w/ Alejandra Perez
On another note, one of my objectives when I came back to the bay town was to connect with some of the artists and writers who have contributed their beautiful work and energy to Come Bien Books. I got a chance to sit down and rap with several up and coming artists & writers these past few weeks, whom you will be seeing more of soon. The talented, up and coming artist/ youth activist Ms. Alejandra Perez was nice enough to give me a tour of the new RYSE Center in Richmond,Ca. Almost 3 years ago, myself, Skot La Rockwell, and Bounce from the Trust Your Struggle Collective painted a large mural on the front of their building. Check out Ryse here: http://www.rysecenter.org/index.php?topic=supporters
The youth and staff their are hella nice and have been putting in serious work to enrich the lives of families in Richmond. Props to yawl!
im sooo proud of myself… thank you!