San Francisco Bay Guardian “Best of the Bay” illustrations
This project is almost unreal in a sense because I have been reading this newspaper in the Bay ever since I was a teenager. Im dating myself here but that was more than 15 years ago. Around that time I started to search for concerts, shows, etc. I mean this newspaper was how you found out about what was happening-no internet! I used to collect issues with articles about graffiti or turntablists so to be featured as an artist is amazing. Not only that, but my work is out now on the most circulated and shared issues of the year, the “Best of the Bay” issue where dance troupes, restaurants, musicians, politicians, activists, taco trucks, book stores, etc get voted the best. For a lot of Bay transplants this is literally one of the ways to get to know the city of SF and the greater Bay Area. So, here we go. One cover and four sections.
It all started more than two months ago with this teaser image that was posted on the front page a month ago. The main theme was “sounds of the city” so the art director wanted to have a lot of instruments
Next up, the “Arts and Entertainment” section
Food and Dining
City life
I love seeing the whole process!
the sketches, the comps the redo's the finishes. I always think my sketches look better than the comps finals
Right on homie, yeah I like my sketches better sometimes too. Every now and then I try to paint directly on the sketch if its my own project.