September Love and Light Switches

September Love and Light Switches

Its the end of a busy month. Lots of work, projects, and making space for rest. Here’s the latest in the light switch series. For the new viewer to this, I have been painting these as a way of small income, abstract release, and practice for many things. If you know someone who just got married or just moved into a new home, tell em! To see my etsy shop and more like these GO HERE.

Comments: 2
  • Stan October 31, 2011 11:30 pm

    Yo I love stuff like this! Custom illustrated light switch covers is a nice way to personalize and bring individuality to your home. I have a couple, but damn near EVERY switch and outlet should look like this

    Why I don't create my own is a mystery

  • Robert Trujillo/Tres October 31, 2011 11:47 pm

    Right on, appreciate that man. I'm working on more stuff for the home so stay tuned….

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