Storytime Friends

Hey yall, I’m writing to you about Storytime Friends, a nonprofit I serve as a member of their Advisory
Council. Check out this message from the founders and dig in….and DONATE HERE
Storytime Friends has delivered a lively read-aloud video series, free
picture books, and fun, educational activities on a monthly basis to children at UCSF Benioff
Children’s Hospital in Oakland for 2 years now. They secured a fiscal sponsorship with the
Social Good Fund, so that we can offer tax-deduction benefits to our donors. And they’ve
built relationships with book publishers, a large community of authors & illustrators, local
Bay Area bookstores, and with Children’s Fairyland, and more along the way.
We’ve accomplished all of this on a 100% volunteer basis. We’ve been pouring our hearts into
this, and now we need financial support to keep going and growing.
My ask is this: if you can support Storytime Friends with a donation, I would be grateful.
Theyre fundraising to get more books into the hands of Kids in 2025. We hope to raise $30,000 by December 31, 2024.
Thank you for considering this worthwhile project.