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Inspiration Board 46

Ok here is my first Inspiration board for 2025. A lot of this comes from last year but some of it is brand new. Alright, lets run it down, top to bottom, left to right.

  1. Event: 8th Annual Social Justice Children’s Book Fair I have co-organized for 8 years! Peep it!
  2. Network: PBS or Public Broadcasting Service TV network puts out great shows, videos about educational and informative topics and I wish I could give them more money and resources! Watch!
  3. Book: Ghost Roast is middle grade graphic novel about family, class, the supernatural, and history. Read it.
  4. Music: The Long Kiss Goodnight is a newish LP by Rocky Rivera and Otayo Dubb (Hip hop). Listen!
  5. Music: If You See Someone Stealing Food…No You Didn’t is a new LP by Bambu (Hip Hop). Listen!
  6. Book: Our Little Kitchen is a great picture book by Jillian Tamaki about cooperation and community. Read it.
  7. Art: Monica Trinidad made this incredible piece that sums up my feelings about people vs corporations. Peep it.
  8. Art: This illustration is about story artist Paul Briggs whos an incredible illustrator. Check him out.
  9. Book: Mexikid is a great all ages graphic novel by Pedro Martin about family, being bicultural, childhood, etc. Read it!
  10. Film: We Like it Like That is a great doc about a musical sub genre born in NYC by Matthew Ramirez Warren. Watch it!
  11. Music: Saw Emily King (Singer, songwriter, guitarist) play live and shes incredible soul music. Listen!
  12. Podcast: The Light is a great show by photographer Brooke Anderson about movement artists and cultural workers. Listen!
  13. Book: Swim Team is a great all ages graphic novel about growing up, appearances, history, and swimming by Johnnie Christmas. Read it.
  14. Health: Yoga! Ive been practicing for almost 15 years now. I do it weekly and it helps stretch my mind and body. Learn more.
  15. Film: Ultraman Rising is a really cute take on an old school Japanese character by Shannon Tindle. Watch it!
  16. Podcast: Asian American History 101 is a great podcast about people, places, things, and events from AAPI history. Listen!

Did you miss the previous inspiration board? Here it is, plus a few more

What’s this? This inspiration board is one of the ways I stay inspired and sane through all of life’s trials, and tribulations, work, etc. I’ve been making inspiration boards full of films, books, music, events, people, artists, movements, and more for over a decade. Do you have an inspiration board? Please share in the comments. Who am I? My name is Rob Liu-Trujillo and I’m an artist working in kid lit, public art, and other disciplines. Go to my website, or follow me on IG or YouTube. You can also cop my first art book here.

Latinx Comic Arts Fest- March 22-23rd

Hey, this month I’ll be at the Latinx Comic Arts Festival in Modesto Ca at Modesto Jr College. At the event there are panels, workshops, lowriders, food, families, educators, and lots of vendors. The vendors make kids books, art, merch, and stories for all ages. See this LINK for more info.

These are a few fotos from two years ago. I grabbed a few from the LCAF Facebook and the last one is of my cousins who came to visit me-a big surprise.

Here’s a group shot of most of the participants last year.

Dig this? Check out some photos fromthe Latino Comix Expo which was held at the same location.

Christina “Steenz” Stewart – Inspiring


I nervously met Steenz while walking around the Toronto Comics & Arts Fest and their work is amazing. I believe they identify as both she and they but I’ll use they. Steenz is a comics writer, cartoonist, and editor from St. Louis (My Grandma’s hometown). Not only that but they teach it which is so freaking cool!

Here is their website

And here’s a video of a presentation they made about how writers and artists can collaborate to make better comics. Insightful!!

Dig this? Check out this post about artist Bea Gifted

Virtuous Con- Virtual convention Feb 25-26th


Hey folks, I’m going to be a virtual vendor at the third “Virtuous Con“. I’m excited to participate, check out the panels, and to interact with attendees. Once you register for this event you’ll be able to virtually interact with the different creators and vendors. More info and registration here.

What is this?
Virtuous Con is a company created by Cerece Rennie Murphy that produces and hosts virtual events, as a vehicle for independent science fiction, fantasy, and comics creators to grow an audience for their work. Each event venue creates an authentic experience for attendees including virtual “booths” for vendors to interact live with attendees about their products and live panel rooms to interact in real-time discussions. Murphy created Virtuous Con out of a need to help many of her BIPOC creative colleagues and friends whose businesses were disproportionally impacted by the COVID-19 shutdowns.

Dig this? Check out this virtual panel I did as one of the organizers of the Social Justice Children’s Book Holiday Fair

Inspiring Artist- Victoria Ying


Victoria Ying is an incredible artist and author from the LA area who I came across when she was working at Disney many years ago. I remember seeing a project she lead called “Extra Curricular Activities”. Then I saw her in the “Lovely” book with women working in animation. I have been a big fan ever since and I loved her books “City of Secrets” and “Meow”. Check out some of her beautiful paintings and drawings.

Yo, if you’re new: This is where I share artists that have been inspiring to me in my work sometimes directly and other times indirectly. Do yourself a favor and check out Victoria’s site here. There you can catch some of the amazing books she’s created such as “City of Secrets” and hear some interviews such as this one where she talks about her process for creating her graphic novel.

If you missed the last inspiring artist I posted, check out Ami Thompson or Elizabeth Catlett‘s work! And if you’re still looking for more inspiration peep inspiration board 41 I made because everybody gets stuck. 

PS: Victoria teaches!! You can take a class she teaches on visual development here :)

VIDEO: My Favorite Art Books 3

Hey everyone its been awhile since I did one of these and I’m excited to share it.  The aim of these is to inspire you, inspire artists, young readers, and more. Art books to me are books using visual art, photography, design, collage, and words to highlight a topic, art form, person, place, genre, discipline, or medium.
They are a great way to unplug when you’ve been staring at screens too long. They’re great for traveling, road trips, flights, etc. They’re great for getting inspired and they’re a great way to get young people reading; as long as its about a topic they LOVE. Please watch and share.

I discuss 13 books in the video including my own art book:
“The Art of Tekkenkinkreet / Black & White” – Shinji Kimura
“Supreme Glamour”- Mary Wilson
“The Art of Juanjo Guarnido” – Juanjo Guarnido
“Shelter in Place” – Avy Jetter
“Dinotopia” – James Gurney
“Painting The Streets-Oakland Uprising in the Time of Rebellion”- Nomadic Press
“Creations Vol. 1” – Derek Laufman
“Iguana Bay” – Claire Wendling
“Black Champions in Cycling” – Marlon Lee Moncrieffe
“Maestrapiece- San Francisco’s Monumental Feminist Mural” –Heyday Books
“Art of Rob” – Robert Liu-Trujillo
“Prince of Cats” – Ronald Wimberly 

Dig this? Check out “My Favorite Art Books 2” the second video in this series. And if your local bookstore or library doesn’t have any of the art books you’re looking for, politely request them 🙂
If you’d like to purchase some of them I suggest ordering them from your local, or StuartNg Books in LA.

Video-Oakland Creates interview (snippet)


Yo, heres a snippet of a longer interview I did with Oakland Creates founder Avy Jetter! Stay tuned for the whole ting soon and come to the Oakland Creates Art, Comics, and Zine fests happening Dec 4th in Oakland Ca.
Link for more INFO
Dig this? Check out this video describing the event

Oakland Creates Art, Zine, Comics Fair


I’m excited to be one of many artists tabling at this year’s Oakland Creates show. It will be my first time attending but I have been hearing about the show through its creator Avy Jetter for many years. Starting several years ago, this show gives artists, artisans, comics & zine makers a way to showcase their work with the people of Oakland. Most of the creators are Oakland based and I’m excited to be there. Check out the drawing I did for this year’s merch. 
Oakland Creates Art, Comics and Zine Fest began as a vision about bringing folks together through art and giving them an opportunity to present their best selves, learn how to make a living while both interacting and serving their community with positive action. A vision to help empower folks to learn about themselves and develop themselves in multiple areas of the lives whether it’s education, healing, leadership or fulfilling their own art vision.
Oakland Creates prioritizes women of color, Queer, Disabled, Black artists and or any underrepresented artists whether they be new or emerging artists just starting out or artists that just have not been given proper promotion or marketing. Oakland Creates holds space and gives opportunities to amazing creative folk who have something awesome to say to the world and our local community. Oakland Creates celebrates storytelling and positive engagement. Let’s keep the conversation going. Because if we don’t tell our own stories, then who will?
Time: 11:00am – 5:00pm
Where: OakStop 1721 Broadway, Oakland, CA
Check out this video of creators expressing their love for the show!
Here is the FACEBOOK invite
Here is a GoFund Me fundraising page to support the show

Inspiring Artist – Lorena Alvarez


I came across Lorena Alvarez work with her graphic novel “Nightlights” in 2016. Ever since then I have been eagerly awaiting any new work from the Colombiana. Originally from Bogotá she studied there and here in the states. 

One of the things I love most about her work besides its incredible sense of imagination, is her use of color. It is delicious to look at. Listen to this interview with her on the Children’s Book Podcast.

OK, thats some of her illustration work which is both digital and traditional. You can follow her on IG here. Her portfolio is here, and you can cop her comics Hicotea and Nightlights at most book stores. She’s worked on some other books too, but I don’t know them as well.
If you liked this check out some of the other ladies I’ve shared:
Looking for more inspiration, here’s my last Inspiration Board from August of 2022

Mini comic 1 – Time


Fam, here’s a new published piece! “Time”. It’s 8 pages long and I completed it in a few days. It’s a mini comic and a zine of sorts. I started working on my first zine in 2007 and did quite a few until the early 2010’s which is when I started getting work as a kids book illustrator and self publishing my own kids books. I ‘m trying to strengthen my comics muscle so I decided to make this mini as I work on other comic shorts. Its much looser than I would even draw, but the goal was to finish it. Which I failed at before. And I got to debut it at TCAF (Toronto Comics and Arts Fest). 
Its about a theoretical crush and is very nostalgic as I was thinking of the days of jr high and high school when I would get dressed hoping to sit next to my crush in class. Its a PG comic so most kids can read it. 

Dig this?  Here’s a post I wrote about past zines and zine making.