Social Justice Children’s Bk Fair-Dec 7th 2024

Folks, the time has come for the 8th annual Social Justice Children’s Book Fair! We have been working and planning on this one for a whole year! Peep this video.
📣 Some of y’all still might not know this but I’m one of many organizers of this little but powerful book fair for kids. We rep Bipoc, Queer, Social Justice Minded, traditionally published and self published creators trying get their work to kids. We started this in 2017 right after the first Trump Election. All volunteers, all gas for 8 yrs now. This year we finally got some funding via The Akonadi Foundation and fiscal sponsorship from The Social Good Fund w/the help of “Jill Kunishima”.
We’ve hosted hella authors, illustrators, publishers, organizations, and community. People in red states, shit even counties just outside of the town hate on it, but if you’re feeling some type of way-don’t forget the power of a small dedicated group of homies. Take a break, but keep going. Stay principled and curious. #socialjusticechildrensbookholidayfair
Go to our website: or follow us on Facebook or Instagram.
Saturday, Dec 7th, 12-3pm, Emerson Elementary School in Oakland
Dig this? Check out this Oaklandside article about last year’s fair