Oakland Tag

Youth Writers Workshop- Fairyland

This is pretty damn cool, I get to be an instructor alongside Michaela Ellis w/ young storytellers at thee FAIRYLAND! Isnt that cool, no? I have been going to Fairyland since the 80s yall. First as a child, then as a young parent in the mid 2000’s, and now as a writer/illustrator for the past 4-5 years and as a parent to mydaughter. This workshop is a way to get young storytellers some practice and community. We’ll be working on writing AND drawing our stories in this series so tell a friend. More info: https://fairyland.org/youthwriters

Dig this? Check out that time I was invited to lead a picture book workshop for MFA Comics students at CCA.

Social Justice Children’s Bk Fair-Dec 7th 2024

Folks, the time has come for the 8th annual Social Justice Children’s Book Fair! We have been working and planning on this one for a whole year! Peep this video.

📣 Some of y’all still might not know this but I’m one of many organizers of this little but powerful book fair for kids. We rep Bipoc, Queer, Social Justice Minded, traditionally published and self published creators trying get their work to kids. We started this in 2017 right after the first Trump Election. All volunteers, all gas for 8 yrs now. This year we finally got some funding via The Akonadi Foundation and fiscal sponsorship from The Social Good Fund w/the help of “Jill Kunishima”.

We’ve hosted hella authors, illustrators, publishers, organizations, and community. People in red states, shit even counties just outside of the town hate on it, but if you’re feeling some type of way-don’t forget the power of a small dedicated group of homies. Take a break, but keep going. Stay principled and curious. #socialjusticechildrensbookholidayfair

Go to our website: www.SocialJusticeChildrensBooks.org or follow us on Facebook or Instagram.

Saturday, Dec 7th, 12-3pm, Emerson Elementary School in Oakland

Dig this? Check out this Oaklandside article about last year’s fair

Fairyland Children’s Book Fest- Sept 21st

Eyy, this Fall I will be at Fairyland again for their annual “Children’s Book Festival” featuring over 30 kidlit creators.

What is this? It’s a kid-lit event that brings Bay Area children’s literature authors and illustrators together with families for a full day of read-alouds and more. My book “Fresh Juice” will be available to buy from “Books on B” and I’d be happy to autograph it for you or your child! Tickets are available now: fairyland.org/book-festival

Check out the line up of who will be there! And come get your book signed:)

Dig this? Check out some of the press the “Social Justice Children’s Book Holiday Fair” got last year.

7th Annual Social Justice Children’s Bk Holiday Fair

Man, I was so busy sharing about this event and planning and prepping that I forgot to psot about it on my own damn blog. Anyways, for those who came it was beautiful and hectic. For the first time we partnered with Emerson Elementary in Oakland.

Here is the livestream of interviews and performances from that day:

Interviews w/ Emerson PTA, Local authors, activists, and musicians

Here is the Facebook invite from this year

And here is the books new Instagram account. Please follow us!

Link to our IG

Ok, if you were not there but want to support the authors/organizations/musicians who tabled please go to our website.

Dig this? Check out some photos for the fair last year.

School Visit – Life Academy

This was an emotional school visit. My friend Nicole gave me an invite to come speak at her School-Life Academy, not far from me in East Oakland. The student body is predominantly Latino and Black. This was dope because I got to speak to 6-8th graders and their teachers about art, literacy, about character design.

I’ve been working in schools since 2002 as a teaching artist, as a parent, and for the last decade as an author and illustrator. As a guest who come in for a few hours or a day I try to jam pack some art, inspiration, or skills into the time while I’m there. I tested out a new workshop with them revolving around drawing, teamwork, and design. Some of the things we talked about were:

  • Character design for film, tv, and animation
  • Public art and murals
  • Illustration
  • Literacy and ethnic studies
  • Collaboration

I had some break throughs with the kids because I had them draw, model, and envision what their ideal characters would look like if they could design them. It was with the adults though that I had an emotional moment. I always talk aabout where I’m from, my identity, my past work, inspiration, etc. But for some reason this day I described a traumatic traffic stop with the police I had with my mother as a kid. I broke down a bit during this presentation, not realizing that this run in with cops still affected me.

I had the adult teachers do the same thing their students did but it just goes to show how children can go through some fucked up shit whether they’re in the city or a rural area, and the work that we adults do to teach them is important. Not just for what we can share with students, but how we learn from them, and how we can be a sounding board when they need it. I dont know if that came across to the teachers but I thanked them.

School and Library Visits: I’ve been visiting students as a storyteller since 2012 yall. I started as an illustrator first and then I became an author. I visit many schools every single year. I’ve been all over the Bay Area and Ive read to students in California, Texas, Oregon, Washington, New Mexico, and Ohio. At this point I’ve visited over 100 libraries and schools. Recently I put out the call to visit more cities in Northern and Central California. If you’d like to invite me to visit your school or library in the Bay or outside of it, I’m open to travel! Shoot me an email at info@robdontstop.com

Dig this? Check out the time I got to present to college students and educators at Modesto Jr College.

Malcolm X Jazz Fest – May 20th in Oakland, CA


Eyy, the Malcolm x Jazz Fest is upon us again y’all. If you’re in the Bay come through to this. Bring your family, love, good energy, and good vibes. Flyer design by my wifey and art by Dime and Tarika Lewis.


I’ve been going to this event for 15+ years both as an attendee and as a vendor. Check out the activities.
Dig this? Check out this video from a few years back

Gardeners of Belonging Exhibition


Fam, I’m honored to tell you that I have been chosen as one of 7 artists to paint and design large 8′ x 8′ pieces honoring other creative, active, and giving folks. My choice? The People’s Kitchen Collective! But why? What? Peep……

Gardeners of Belonging celebrates people who cultivate growth, flourishing, and belonging: like gardeners, they know that this work is both about tending plants and about tending the soil. The seven participating artists each selected a “gardener” from their life and created a portrait while sharing a dialogue about belonging. The art works were created for the 14th @lifeislivingfest in West Oakland and then moved to @ybca as part of the exhibition Brett Cook and Liz Lerman: Reflection and Action.

Featuring: Gardeners x Artists:
-Roberto Bedoya & Brett Cook
-Sister Peace & Erin Yoshi
-Miss Major & Evan Bissell
-People’s Kitchen Collective & Robert Trujillo
-Joan Osato & Nick James
-Jean Melesaine & Vanessa “Agana” Espinoza
-Amalia Mesa-Bains & Johanna Poethig

October 8 Life is Living
Lil Bobby Hutton Park
1651 Adeline St., Oakland CA

October 30th Yerba Buena Center for the Arts
Yerba Buena Center for the Arts
San Francisco, CA

Come check it out! Dig this? Check out Brett Cook

Fotos from bella vista reading

Two weeks ago I read at a local Oakland school called Bella Vista, and here are some photos from the reading which had over 100 kids, parents and teachers. Photo credit.
This was a tough one because the crowd was big so I had a mic and walked around with a student to show the kids the pages of the book in between reading. Since 2012 I’ve done 1-10 school, library, or event readings with my books every year. Sometimes by myself and sometimes with another author.
I’ve spoken to pre school, elementary, high school, and college students. If you’d like me to come speak to your students give me a holler.
Dig this? Check out this visit to Columbus Ohio where I tabled at SOL Con and read to a local school. LINK

I’m a vendor at Black Joy Parade 5


If you’re in Cali this weekend come to the 5th annual “Black Joy Parade”! There will be an actual parade (12-1:30pm) with dancers, floats, a kids zone, 2 performance stages, games, lounges, and more. The live performances will be by Oakland’s very own Ryan Nicole, DC is Chillin, and the headliner Ashanti. There will be food, an official BJP brunch, and vendors. And I’ll be one of them at booth 209. Check the map to see where I’m at on Franklin btwn 21st and 20th st in downtown Oakland. The festival runs from 12-7pm.
FAQ and more info here: https://linktr.ee/blackjoyparade

Come thru, mask up, be safe, and have fun! Here’s a video from a few years ago:

RIP Zumbi (Zion-I)


“And when you’re doing it right, you know your inner light shines” -Zumbi
Sad hearing about the passing of Zumbi from Zion-I.  I didn’t know him personally, but I’m a fan of his work with Amp Live as the group Zion-I, his solo work as Baba Zumbi, the LPs w/the Grouch. The Bay and the hip hop community lost a huge one. I met this dude 20 years ago through the homie Pandora and his energy was positive and creative whether on stage or in person. I remember seeing them perform at La Peña in Berkeley, Life is Living, so many incredible songs, spirituality, political consciousness, slap, humbleness, positivity, generosity, lyrics, skill, presence,etc. He never stopped making music. Respect and condolences to his family, his fellow group mates, collaborators, and his fans. 
May his music and message live on forever. If you’re not familiar with his music please take a listen. These are some of my favorite songs: Inner light, Revolution, Silly Puddy, Trigger, On the one, We don’t, The Bay, Don’t lose your head, culture freedom, saving souls, so many songs, albums, features!
article via KQED
If you know or knew him through his music please consider donating to this fund for his children.
We lost so many Bay legends, Shock, Gift of Gab. Man.