ArtVsArtist 2025

Ok. These are fun to do to look back and share work that I reeally liked. As an artist I do a bunch of art and wear many hats but I dont always love every project. These are a feew that I love. Top to bottom, left to right. These are usually shared in December of each year I think, but hey-better late than never. #ArtVsArtist2025 #artVSartist
- Story time Print 8– I wanted to draw a teacher or librarian reading to some children, simple yet joyful.
- Short story 31– A fun exercise to make some promo art and get back to my series of short stories. Read it!
- Postcard -This postcard I made in the new year to get back to basic self promo. It has some nice gold finishing.
- Rights of Every Child – This is a collab to illustrate a line from the UN convention on the rights of the child.
- Photo– Shot of me speaking at Modesto Jr College thx to Dr Theresa Rojas.
- Social Justice Children’s Book Fair– Heres the art I did for the 2023 fair!
- Branding/ Self portrait– This is the art for my 2023 branding.
- Character 171– Mama and daughter character for fun.
- Fridays for Falestin– Art to assist a GoFundMe for a Palestinian family w/ Artists for Radical Imagination.
Dig this? Check out my most recent book Fresh Juice/ Jugo Fresco. Or check out the last time I did #artVSartist in 2023. Check that out here.