2nd skin mural Tag

Last Push for Mural Campaign

If you thought this was a fresh idea and donated. THANK YOU! From the Philippines, NYC, to Austin Tx and the Bay Area we’ve been getting hella love. Its hard work, but it feels good to be “doing” something rather than complaining. Anyways, heres a few updates.

1. My crew is on hella networks, go like, poke, RT em, whatever.
Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter

2. Erin Yoshi and Cece Carpio (my sisters in crime) were on KPFA in berkeley. here’s that link to LISTEN.

3. The Indiegogo site has been reloaded with photos of Original Art and prints that are being vien as gifts. because most folks like you and i can only afford to give a lil bit at a time. Who do you know who is an art collector who can afford to get one?

4. More words of support from:
Bamuthi (Living Word, LIFE is living, Youth Speaks)

Rosa Gonzalez of Head Rush Crew

Ruben C. Gonzalez (Actor, Director, Playwright)

Aisha Fukushima (MC, educator)

Davin Thompson aka DoDat (The Attik/MC)

Audio- My visit to Radio Valenica w/ Margarita Azucar

To visit this podcast on Radio Valencia and see the track listing of songs, go here: LINK
And to support the project I’m speaking about on the show, go here: LINK

So, today i got a chance to head out to la Mision and hang with DJ “Margarita Azucar” at Radio Valenica.

The station is located on Cesar Chavez (Army) in the Mission District and it was hella fun. Ms Azucar was super nice, laid back, and on top of her game. We had a few technical difficulties with music, but the questions she asked and my answers flowed smoothly, despite my annoying cough. So thankful for the invite and I encourage you to listen to her show regularly. last time she had Juan Caipo from Bang Data on.

Original ptgs as gifts (4 days to get em)

These are gonna be hard to give away. But I got an “ok” from both subjects. Reminder to self, “smile” next time! These original paintings were created for the “Celebrate You”show and are being auctioned off to Support the mural project my crew is spearheading with The La Pena Cultural Center in Berkeley.

Why am I selling these? Because it is for a huge public art project(free to public) and the organization hosting it has put in so much work for artists and activists to speak, show, and perform..its ridiculous.So if you or some one you know wants one of them…

LINK: To get these paintings 

 A word about the subjects:
The little one is my son. And he has inspired me in so many ways id need an essay to explain. But, this is one of my favorite paintings ever, so there. 

The other is of activist Lateefah Simon, a powerful and move making sister from Sf who broke ground for incarcerated young women by starting the Center for Young Womens Development. But her work doesnt end there, i met her while working in Juvenile Justice and she had tons of wisdom to bestow. I have always been inspired by her drive!

Join the campaign for 2nd Skin Mural @La Pena

If you’ll recall, about two years ago now my collective was invited to paint a new mural inside the La Pena Cultural Center in Berkeley California…..Keep following this post. I will write and add things to it as the campaign progresses. For now, Join the campaign for the 2nd Skin Mural at La Pena Cultural Center….


Peep this mural created by Cece Carpio and Miguel Perez of the Trust Your Struggle Collective