A BIG Thank you is in order. My YouTube just hit 700+ subscribers. This is tiny 4 some but its big for me. Thx if u watched, shared, or subscribed. To put this in perspective, before the pandemic I had a bout 60-70 subscribers. If u have any Qs you’d like to see me explore feel free to comment on my videos or message me.
My name is Rob and I’m an illustrator/author from Oakland. I’m looking for middle grade, early reader, and picture book illustration work. Check out my work at Robdontstop.com
Hey I painted this poster for Emerson Elementary in Oakland California. They are fundraising for the “African American Male Achievment” program there right now. They’re making prints for their families and they’re selling the original painting. If you’d like to get a bid in on it please
This is a book about an Afro Latina elementary student who’s facing eviction. Her mom doesnt want them to rock the boat, her abuela meanwhile wants to fight. Alejandria has to decide. I illustrated this book during the pandemic and wanted to share it again today because it reminds me that whether some parents want to hear it or not, children like Alejandria exist and are either houseless or facing housing insecurity!
Synopsis: For nine-year-old Alejandria, home isn’t just the apartment she shares with Mami and her abuela, Tita, but rather the whole neighborhood. Home is the bakery where Ms. Beatrice makes yummy picos; the sidewalk where Ms. Alicia sells flowers with her little dog, Duende; and the corner store with friendly Mr. Amir.
But lately the city has been changing, and rent prices are going up. Many people in el barrio are leaving because they can no longer afford their homes, and “For Sale” signs are popping up everywhere. Then the worst thing happens: Mami receives a letter saying they’ll have to move out too.
Alejandria knows it isn’t fair, but she’s not about to give up and leave. Join Alejandria as she brings her community together to fight and save their neighborhood!
I came across Maurice Cherry almost a decade ago. Maybe even more. Maurice is a talented designer and podcaster. He created the “Revision Path” podcast which get this-interviewed and featured over 500 (yes 500) Black artists, designers, and makers from all over North America. I’m talking about illustrators, web designers, graphic designers, UI/UX designers, and more. So many people from freelance, corporate, and other realms-all doing design in one form or other.
Maurice was kind enough to commission me for two projects in the past using illustration called Recognize (Recognize 1 and Recognize 2 ) which highlighted indigenous and POC voices in design. I dont think it took off the way he wanted it to but I wanted to paint Maurice and just recognize the tremendous amount of research, interviewing, editing, and promoting he did to document Black creatives and the amazing work hes done as a graphic designer. Maurice is someone more colleges should be talking to about his skills and knowledge.
Dig this? Check out this Self Portrait I did in Gouache recently.
This is pretty damn cool, I get to be an instructor alongside Michaela Ellis w/ young storytellers at thee FAIRYLAND! Isnt that cool, no? I have been going to Fairyland since the 80s yall. First as a child, then as a young parent in the mid 2000’s, and now as a writer/illustrator for the past 4-5 years and as a parent to mydaughter. This workshop is a way to get young storytellers some practice and community. We’ll be working on writing AND drawing our stories in this series so tell a friend. More info: https://fairyland.org/youthwriters
Dig this? Check out that time I was invited to lead a picture book workshop for MFA Comics students at CCA.
I was getting a whole bunch of favorites and sales for a sticker in my shop and wondered, who is either talking about my work or featuring it? Now I know. Etsy has a Black Owned Etsy Group which features shops from many disciplines and categories and my work is in there. If you log into Etsy and scroll the main page for Black History Month my “PAUSE” sticker is there. Thank you Etsy for the feature! I appreciate it.
Dig this? Check out my sticker pack of affirmation stickers.
I started working with Chapter 510 who commissioned the above portraits in 2014 maybe. Maybe earlier but they were one of the first organizations (Janet, Mariah, and Erica) who loved my work, approached me to work with them and illustrate portraits, characters, and more for their website, marketing materials, etc. The above portraits were done in collaboration with the Oakland Public Library over the span of many years.
Chapter 510 is an incredible organixation, similar to 826 Valencia in SF where they cultivate, nourish, and feed young writers, poets, and storytellers with classes, workshops, opportunities to publish, events, slams, readings, and more. Couple that with Oakland Public Library who offers a wealth of knowledge, stories, resources, entertainment, and community space and you havee a powerful combo.
I just wanted to share a collage looking back over the years of some of these poets!
These are some moments of action at Chapter 510.
Here’s one more portrait of a young poet named Greer.
Dig this? Check out some ink drawings I did of some writers at Chapter 510, or the artwork I did for the Oakland Public Library summer reading series.