bilingual books Tag

Read Aloud of Alejandria Fights Back/ La Lucha de Alejandria

Skip to 7 min mark to hear the story.

This is a book about an Afro Latina elementary student who’s facing eviction. Her mom doesnt want them to rock the boat, her abuela meanwhile wants to fight. Alejandria has to decide. I illustrated this book during the pandemic and wanted to share it again today because it reminds me that whether some parents want to hear it or not, children like Alejandria exist and are either houseless or facing housing insecurity!

Synopsis: For nine-year-old Alejandria, home isn’t just the apartment she shares with Mami and her abuela, Tita, but rather the whole neighborhood. Home is the bakery where Ms. Beatrice makes yummy picos; the sidewalk where Ms. Alicia sells flowers with her little dog, Duende; and the corner store with friendly Mr. Amir.

But lately the city has been changing, and rent prices are going up. Many people in el barrio are leaving because they can no longer afford their homes, and “For Sale” signs are popping up everywhere. Then the worst thing happens: Mami receives a letter saying they’ll have to move out too.

Alejandria knows it isn’t fair, but she’s not about to give up and leave. Join Alejandria as she brings her community together to fight and save their neighborhood!

Publisher link cop it or request it at your local library.

Dig this? A bit of process for the cover for this book.

Bank Street College lists Fresh Juice/ Jugo Fresco

This is pretty cool, I worked as a teeaching artist for Bank Street over a decade ago. I went to school and worked with the dream of one day getting my first book published and its kind of cool to have my book featured in their books of the year list! Shout to my fellow author friends Duncan Tonatiuh, Michael Genhart, Eric Velasquez, Juana Medina, Emma Otheguy, Lisette Norman, and Ana Siqueira.

LINK to see thee full document featuring lots of great books in Spanish for a range of reeading levels.

Dig this? Check out this feature Fresh Juice got in The Horn.

Libro Mobile – Video


Libro Mobile is one of very few Latinx owned bookstores I reached out to when “Furqan’s First Flat Top” debuted and they graciously carried my book. As the only Latina owned bookstore in Orange County, they serve a crucial role in providing community and knowledge. Please watch the video, follow them on IG, and contribute to their campaign if you can

Dig this: Libro Mobile 2018,  The Latinx Comics Arts Festival in Modesto

Furqan’s First -over 3k sold independently!!

Wow, I’m excited to announce that “Furqan’s First Flat Top/ El Primer Corte de Mesita de Furqan has officially sold out of its 2nd print run. That makes over 3000 books sold hand to hand, at events, or sent to folks all over the US and the world. 

Some day I’ll do a video about what it took to do this independently without the help of a publisher or marketing team. At the time I decided to do it I was getting little to no love from the industry. I’ve since learned that this is partially what it means to be a beginning author/illustrator and that there is and was a huge problem with the diversity of kids books!
Here’s the post I did about the book release at EastSide Arts Alliance w/ Kati Cepeda and Aya de Leon.  And the trailer for the book got over 5k views! Holy smokes.Never expected it to reach so many people but it has and folks are still learning about it today!
It all started with one or two books. Now I’ve worked on over 10 children’s books as an illustrator and/or author with more on the way. Furqan is temporarily sold out but you can cop the latest book I illustrated for Jill Guerra “We Are Yoga/ Somos Yoga”.

And if you missed my kickstarter you can cop my first book of art including 130 pages of sketch book art, character designs, tutorials, and more Art of Rob LINK.

Gift Box Feature 3 – Booklandia (Portugal)


BIG shout out to Maceo who is the founder and owner of Booklandia the first Gift/Subscription Box to give my book “Furqan’s First Flat Top” a shot. When I first debuted as a kids book illustrator and author Maceo almost immediately started carrying my book, other books I’d worked on, name plates I’d made, etc and she even licensed work from me to make coloring sheets.
If you’re not hip to her business it is one of the first bilingual and Spanish language subscription book boxes in the US (She now lives in Portugal). They carry books for children from newborns to middle grade kids. Not just that, she searches for books that reflect the diversity of Latinos (all colors). 
If you’re new to this, I’m sharing some of the amazing small businesses that have featured my books, merchandise, or artwork in their subscription book boxes. Booklandia is not only a gift box, it’s also a pop up bookstore that has filled a need in the kidlit world. Please go support the biz by purchasing books (physical or audio).

LINK: Booklandia Books

Dig this? Check out the last giftbox feature: Los Amigos Books (Chicago)

Gift Box Feature 2- Los Amigos Books (Chicago)

Continuing with this series shouting out some of the companies that have shown me love, here is another Gift/Book box that has featured some of my stuff in it. “Los Amigos Books” which is a family and Latina owned business based out of Chicago. They sell books and book subscriptions that specifically focuses on Spanish and bilingual children’s books! They started as a pop up shop and they now have a booming online store and a brick and mortar storefront in Chicago. 
This an image from one of their subscription based book boxes featuring some of my book marks and stickers alongside some great books for ages 7-9. More info here
This is a shot of their Instagram which shows the grand opening of their shop in the Berwyn neighborhood of Chicago. Pull up on them if you’re in the area. If not, get books for your kids, classroom, or friends online. Thank you to owner Laura for including my work in these beautiful boxes!

If you’re a gift/book box owner, or you have a store (online/brick and mortar) and would like to get some of my merch into your store give me a holler. Did you catch the post about the last book box that featured my merch? Here it is: Get The Bag 

New Book! “We are Yoga/ Somos Yoga”


Fam, my latest and greatest is here. A new bilingual picture bk written by Maestra/Yogi/Author Jill Guerra , designed by Innosanto Nagara , translated by Marianne Teleki , and illustrated by me 😎. 

What Actions can u take to support?
1. Spread the word. Word of mouth is how we get it to folks, so please spread the good word.
2. Please follow miss Jill on Instagram now @thelovecurriculum
3. Get a book by requesting it from your local independent bookstore. If u know Jill and are in the Bay Area u can get a copy from her.

Stay tuned for the store link for Jill’s site but in the meantime you can see some of her work and other books here “The Love Curriculum”

Thx for your support as we slowly introduce this beauty to the babies, classrooms, libraries, Yoga studios, and offices round the world. It contains reflections, affirmations, and words about yoga poses and mindfulness in English and Spanish. It is for families, kids, teachers, and therapists! 

Check out this podcast interview w/Jill for “Teacher’s Aligned”

And peep this artwork I made for Jill awhile back. Thats how long we’ve been working on this. 

Alejandria Fights Back read en Español


Hey fam, if you have seen the reading of Alejandria Fights Back in Español by the books translator Dr Carla España please watch it here. This book came out last summer and his been making the rounds via reviews and classrooms. If you know of any educators who would dig hearing or sharing a Spanish reading of the book please share this with them.
Want a reading in English? watch elementary school teacher Mr Limata read it here
Skip to the 11:45 min mark for the reading.
And if you haven’t seen the trailer please check it out:

Video: Book trailer – Alejandria Fights back!


If you missed it this is the book trailer for Alejandria Fights Back/ La Lucha de Alejandria which came out last summer. This is a book published by Feminist Press in NYC and written by Leticia Hernandez-Linares and the Rise Home Stories Project; and illustrated by me. 
Please watch the trailer and check out the other projects from this team such as a video game, animated short, podcast, and more HERE
If you’re an educator and you’d like to get a copy of the book there are limited free copies here.