Podcast- Unifinished Deep South
This is a short one. Here is one way I do research on improving the business side of my art making. I read books, articles, talk to people, network, all that. But when I’m not doing those, I’m often listening to podcasts about business or entrepreneurs. Here are a few I recommend if you make products for people to purchase. That product could be hiring you personally or purchasing a digital/physical item from you.
Why? Making art is only half the hustle, unfortunately we not only have to sell it, but we have to find out how to authentically reach our audience. Enjoy!
Dirty Old Ladies is run by three women in comics and it talks about tabling at events, conferences, distribution, and other insider news to the business of making comics. I started because of C Spike Trotman who is a Black woman who runs the largest indy comics publisher in Chicago. Listen
Ok, this brother Jay Jones gives some interviews, advice, and resources that are very interesting. Listen.
This podcast is run by Sonja Rasula who started the Unique Markets. This is super helpful because each episode is with a small or medium sized business owner and it involves Sonja giving advice about a specific tactic. Listen!
Here is the previous board 29
I love listening to Latino USA, in fact me and my son listen to it all the time and have learned many things. More than that, many aspects of our culture and others have been affirmed by listening whether it be hip hop, soccer, racism, machismo, so much.
I love listening to Code switch because they tackle race and stories that so many other podcasts do not give AF about. One of the most infuriating things is to be ignored or rendered invisible. Code switch talks about a lot of these things: micro-aggressions, films, historical and current events and their contributors are Asian, African, Arab, European, and Latinx American and its dope to hear so many different view points.
So in order to keep up with the times I am learning about what tech companies have been doing for decades, whether it be the way they develop ideas and products to the way they work together or fundraise and this is a great blog if you are an independent or collaborative business owner. People pay 30-40k a year to take classes with speakers like these yall. Peep game.
This is a series of podcasts that allow creatives of various fields to talk about what they do and how they do it. In this particular episode you get to hear from an OG in the game of political art, Favianna Rodriguez from my hometown, Oakland. Yall, so much game to be soaked up by listening to other artists describe their lives and there are countless other folks who have been on the series nationwide I believe. Another favorite is Mike Monteiro and Tajai from Souls of Mischief.
Here’s the previous “Stuff I’ve been listening to”
These are some of the best podcasts I’ve been listening to while working. Please listen too and share with your folks. You can listen while you drive, at your desk, or while you travel.
Publishing and people of color experiences both good and bad.
Radio Ambulante showcases stories from all over Latin America.It is primarily in spanish, but i’m posting an english one for you bilinguals out there.
Gina BytheWood Prince directed “Love & Basketball” , “Disappearing Acts”, and most recently “Beyond the Lights” and on this podcast Ava DuVernay interviews many different black film makers
Fanbros is an awesome podcast that blends comics, politics, film, hip hop, culture, and blerds and its awesome
This one is from my brother from another mother, writer/professor Simon Abromowitsch
There are others like This American Life and PRI too that i love, but go searching to see what you can find!
woops, forgot about SIDEBAR also a Blerd space w/ interviews with various illustrators from many different genres.
So great to share this podcast with you, it deals with a lot of sentiment, first hand experience, and knowledge about the publishing industry from African, Latino, Asian, and Indigenous perspectives. For evidence of why this is needed please refer to the We Need Diverse Books Movement, the studies Lee and Low has been spearheading, and the discussions organizations like the CBC Diversity have been having.
These two authors focus on Young Adult and middle Grade novels/books but their ability and interest reach far beyond. Please listen, share, and comment on soundcloud.