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Mixed Kid

Here’s a new painting I made for fun. It’s a way to show pride in being a mixed kid. What is a mixed kid? Well for me, it means someone who comes from multiple ethnic backgrounds or nationality. But it could also mean a mixture of experiences, countries, beliefs, families, or religions. Take it how you will. If it resonates with you, great!

This is a square print of an original acrylic painting. It comes in two sizes and is inspired by my own multiethnic / multiracial heritage. That’s also why it has many colors.

If you’d like a print of this painting go HERE

Check out some close ups.

Who is She? 27 – Kara Walker

Kara was born in Stockton California in 1969. She grew up there until she went to college at Atlanta College or Art, and later Rhode Island School of Design. She is currently a professor at Columbia in NYC. The first time I saw Kara’s work was at Parsons in New York City while finishing up my BFA there. Her piece “event horizon” caught my eye and it wasn’t until I was taken on a tour of art galleries in Chelsea that I saw an entire show of her work. There I was blown away because I’d never seen someone do art like that. I kept wondering how the hell she got these uppity art folks to let her get down like that, speaking on racism and the treatment of Black folks in such a in your face, no apologies, satirical way. Kara has worked as a painter, but she’s best known for the paper cut outs she’s done. Most recently, her show “Domio Sugar” had hella people I know posting about its use of similar subject matter and the scale to which she took the sculptures. She’s had over 40 solo exhibitions in places like Oakland, Austria, The UK, Spain, Italy, and so many other places across the U.S. 
You can purchase this piece. Email me at info@robdontstop.com 8″x8″ mixed media on paper
Sources: Art 21, Wikipedia, WalkerArt.org

How Ghettos are made-NPR

This is one small fraction , one small movement of a much larger beast known as White Supremacy and Capitalism here in the US. This story picks up right where writer Tanehisi Coates left off when writing about some of the national and federal policies which reinforced, permitted, and encouraged racist ideas and practices towards African Americans (and other people of color) through out the US. In this story on Fresh air author Richard Rothstein talks about federal regulations for housing, bank loans, etc and how federal policies created black ghettos. Which, are ironically being sought after and “discovered” invaded rapidly by young whites from suburb or affluent areas. Connect this to Baltimore, Ferguson, Brooklyn, Oakland, etc.


Note: I disagree with his viewpoints on “misbehavior” because it puts absolutely no responsibility on the part of the cops, the police departments, the district attorneys, the mayors, the governors, and even the president to put a stop to out right racist policies-a virtual green light to punish, beat, or murder any black person without accountability. The viewpoint of “misbehavior” makes it seem as though Blacks who simply behave, follow the law, or come out on top despite the tremendous inequality in every sector of life will not be targeted by Cops-and this is not true.

Brutality over the years-We will win

1992- I remember how I felt when the Rodney King verdict came down and LA was engulfed; not in flames but rebellion. I was baffled, and without the skill or analysis to do anything about it. But I did not forget it. Like my first time being pulled over for “fitting the description” with my mom by cops-my mom knew what they were capable of even back then and told me to put my hands up in plain sight. Maybe thats why I was allowed to have “Fuck The Police”  or “Holler if you hear me” playing in my room.

I don’t have any new words of wisdom and my thoughts on the current state of the state (police, city & state govt, corporations) are much better in a one on one conversation, but I hope to share with these art pieces over the years that I have been speaking on it, with like minds, and I will continue to do so, just trying to find the words and the images to express exactly how pissed off I am. If you are an artist and pissed off too, speak on it. You don’t have to have the best analysis or idea, just speak on it and make your voice heard.
2001-“Police Brutality didn’t die on 9-11” painted in West Oakland 2001 right after 9-11 for an Oct 22nd Police Brutality march, at the time the murder of Idriss Stelley was heavy on my mind and all the folks running around with NYPD on their hats/cars. J-Live’s “Satisfied” was in heavy rotation.

2003-Based on a photograph taken after the murder of Timothy Thomas in Cincinatti’s Over The Rhine neighborhood, I painted this image over and over again, extremely pissed off. This was around the time that the Trust Your Struggle Collective was formed. The Coup’s whole LP “Party Music” was in heavy rotation, specifically “Get Up” .

2006-This was a poster illustration for TYS show All City Sacred show. A show that used fine art, illustration, sculpture, and installation to talk about oppressed people’s right to rebel through demonstration, art, actions, and just existing. Was listening to Dead Prez’s LP Revolutionary But Gangster a lot, specifically “Turn off the Radio” 

2013-This mural was painted after the decision not to charge George Zimmerman with the murder of Trayvon Martin-with the help of countless hands, I’m just happy I got to work on it for a few hours with my son who was now old enough to understand what had happened and wanted to help paint it. This was a collaboration with TYS , hella local artists, and Dignidad Rebelde.  Bounce, Yoshi, Scott La Rock, and Cece also repped hard by painting Oscar Grant previously. I was definitely listening to Bambu’s “Like Us” still and “Rent Money”.

2014-Having to continue painting is part of a long struggle for revolutionary change. As I venture more and more into the realm of children’s books and publishing and less public art I hope to meet other illustrators who are not afraid of speaking on this because there are so many children being killed and children being left without parents. Rip Mike Brown, Alex Nieto, and Eric Garner, Andy Lopez, and so many more. I think I’m going to go listen to Killer Mike’s speech again. Keep struggling yall, keep fighting back!We will win!

If you are seeing reports about protests in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, South America, Mexico-know that it is connected. Your fight is theirs and vice versa.

Did you see the show “Of Love & Riots 2”?