Short story 31 – Spooky ride

Short story 31 – Spooky ride

Text: “Patrice and Larry had been practicing and falling on the track all summer. The older more experienced kids dared them to try the jumps but they always bit it trying. Tonight though, on Halloween before anyone got home to divvy up their candy, Patrice finally did it. She went up the biggest jump on “Shell Track”, now the only thing left to do besides puting on her costume was to land safely.”

What is this? Short stories are a way for me to sharpen my skills, to play, to practice, and to stretch out by trying new ideas for stories. In 2010 they started off as a way to practice the format of picture books but I’m interested in middle grade and comics now too. My name is Robert Liu-Trujillo and my most recent book is “Fresh Juice” published by Lee & Low Books.

As a kid I LOVED bmx bikes so much and would spend hours riding around my neighborhood. I wanted to make a cool image of a girl riding a bmx bike on the night of halloween. The idea is for her to accomplish some big jump that is terrifying and gratifying at the same time. Then I just put a spooky tree, a costume on the friend in the background, and the moon with clouds. 

Dig this? Check out my Collage of Characters 2022-2024 or my first 130 pg Art Book

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