character design Tag

School Visit – Alvarado Elementary

This was cool. I’ve never ever done a school visit in Union City. I met an educator named Roxanne Ramirez at the San Jose Made last year who has been a teacher for over 20 years. Not only that but shes an ethnic studies educator. Anyways, she invited me to her school in the Southern part of the Bay Area and I spoke to a whole bunch of students from 1st grade up to 5th.

They kids were super sweet, curious, and inquisitive so I had fun chopping it up with them, asking them questions, and being silly.

Some of the things we talked about or did on the first day were:

  • Several picture book readings
  • Q & A about writing and drawing
  • Revising your work, working with a team
  • Fruits, veggies, and community
  • Different types of family structures

Some of the things we talked about on the second day were more focused on:

  • Character design
  • Art Books
  • Figure drawing
  • Collaboration
  • Public Art/ Graffiti
  • Video Games, Animation, Film
  • Social Justice

I really had a blast drawing with them and talking with these young minds, meeting their teachers, their principal, and many of the staff members. And I hope to make it back to this school again in the future.

School and Library Visits: I’ve been visiting students as a storyteller since 2012 yall. I started as an illustrator first and then I became an author. I visit many schools every single year. I’ve been all over the Bay Area and Ive read to students in California, Texas, Oregon, Washington, New Mexico, and Ohio. At this point I’ve visited over 100 libraries and schools. Recently I put out the call to visit more cities in Northern and Central California. If you’d like to invite me to visit your school or library in the Bay or outside of it, I’m open to travel! Shoot me an email at

Dig this? I did a picture book workshop for CCA college students in the comics MFA program.

These are the educators who spend countless hours prepping, reading, researching, and teaching our babies. They were kind enough to take a picture with me. Photos by Victor Guzman Benitez and Roxanne Ramirez. Shout out to the Social Justice Academy and the Ethnic Studies educators there. Hella appreciate y’all!

ArtVsArtist 2025

Ok. These are fun to do to look back and share work that I reeally liked. As an artist I do a bunch of art and wear many hats but I dont always love every project. These are a feew that I love. Top to bottom, left to right. These are usually shared in December of each year I think, but hey-better late than never. #ArtVsArtist2025 #artVSartist

  1. Story time Print 8– I wanted to draw a teacher or librarian reading to some children, simple yet joyful.
  2. Short story 31– A fun exercise to make some promo art and get back to my series of short stories. Read it!
  3. Postcard -This postcard I made in the new year to get back to basic self promo. It has some nice gold finishing.
  4. Rights of Every Child – This is a collab to illustrate a line from the UN convention on the rights of the child.
  5. Photo– Shot of me speaking at Modesto Jr College thx to Dr Theresa Rojas.
  6. Social Justice Children’s Book Fair– Heres the art I did for the 2023 fair!
  7. Branding/ Self portrait– This is the art for my 2023 branding.
  8. Character 171– Mama and daughter character for fun.
  9. Fridays for Falestin– Art to assist a GoFundMe for a Palestinian family w/ Artists for Radical Imagination.

Dig this? Check out my most recent book Fresh Juice/ Jugo Fresco. Or check out the last time I did #artVSartist in 2023. Check that out here.

Character 176 – Teen Blade REDO

I drew and painted this character in 2011 and redoing in 2025 is a challenging yet fun exercise to build momentum. Its a trip to see how much I’ve grown as an artist and I can see theres still so much to learn. But in the meantime, check out the comparison below.

This is the original version. In the late 90s film starring Wesley Snipes his partner and friend Whistler said he discovered Blade as a homeless teenager. Here I imagine him making a way into civilian life, high school maybe for the first time after getting some support. Whatcha think? Holler.

Dig this? If you like my characters check out my last character collage of figures from 2020-2024

Character 175 – Butterfly boy REDO

I drew and painted this character in 2014 and while I have lots of shit to do, sometimes its fun to just revisit or in this case redo old work. Part of it is to see how much I’ve grown and pat myself on the back for a moment. Part of it is to think about where I want to go skills wise. Soooo…

Here’s a side by side comparison of this “Butterfly Boy”. 2014 version and a 2025 version. Thoughts? Improvements? Thoughts?

Dig this? If you like my characters check out my last character collage of figures from 2020-2024

Characters from Mi Vida Loca (1993)

Hey, these are three characters from the 90s film Mi Vida Loca directed by Allison Anders. The three characters depicted here are Whisper, Mousie, and Sad Girl. I thought about drawing Ernesto too, but really wanted to honor the themes of female empowerment and friendship from the film. Whats your favorite line from the film?

Couldn’t find the original trailer, but this was a short behind the scenes.

On the film: The year was 1993 and writer/director Allison Anders film had just released. I was staying with my Dad in Hayward Ca (Bay Area) and we went to the movies to see it. Being that there were so few portrayals of young Latin@ people, families, or communities I was super juiced to see the film! It reminded me of Chicanos in Berkeley at the time. I remember loving it and arguing with my Dad who is from LA and did not love it. He argued that it was a stereotypical gang life portrayal of Chicanos in Echo Park. But, I felt it was a loving portrait that showed pain, love, sorrow, relationships, and triumph. 30 years later I belive the film still stands up and the messages about sisterhood, female empowerment, the dangers of tribal warfare (gangs), machismo, and even class still ring true. Have you seen it? Check out the individual characters below for more info.

About me: My name is Robert Liu-Trujillo. I’m a mixed kid-Black, Korean, Mexican, and Apache. And I’m an author/artist from the Bay Area. My most recent book is “Fresh Juice/ Jugo Fresco”. Nice to meet you.

Character 172 – Whisper

Character 173 – Mousie

Character 174 – Sad Girl

Dig this? Check out my throwback drawings of three characters from the 80s film “Stand and Deliver”

Character 174 – Sad Girl (Mi Vida Loca)

This is “Sad Girl” played by actor Angel Aviles. From the relationship with her sister, Ernesto, her friendship and rivalry with Mousie, and her place as a Loca; Sad girl carries the film. I love when she’s shy, tough, and a friend, and mama she portrays as Sad Girl. One of my favorite scenes is when she invites Mousie to go to McDonalds, when she tells the guys in River valley their drinks taste like shit, or when she is calm even when Mousie is getting on her nerves. Angel Aviles is an accomplished actor who has been in several films and tv shows. She’s a mom, and an author who has made it her mission to help young women as a life coach!

On the film: The year was 1993 and writer/director Allison Anders film had just released. I was staying with my Dad in Hayward Ca (Bay Area) and we went to the movies to see it. Being that there were so few portrayals of young Latin@ people, families, or communities I was super juiced to see the film! It reminded me of Chicanos in Berkeley at the time. I remember loving it and arguing with my Dad who is from LA and did not love it. He argued that it was a stereotypical gang life portrayal of Chicanos in Echo Park. But, I felt it was a loving portrait that showed pain, love, sorrow, relationships, and triumph. 30 years later I belive the film still stands up and the messages about sisterhood, female empowerment, the dangers of tribal warfare (gangs), machismo, and even class still ring true. Have you seen it? Comment below w/ your favorite line?

About me: My name is Robert Liu-Trujillo. I’m a mixed kid-Black, Korean, Mexican, and Apache. And I’m an author/artist from the Bay Area. My most recent book is “Fresh Juice/ Jugo Fresco”. Nice to meet you.

Dig this? Check out my throwback drawings of three characters from the 80s film “Stand and Deliver”

Character 173 – Mousie (Mi Vida Loca)

This is Mousie played by the incredible and accomplished actor Seidy Lopez. You might have seen her in Selena, Training Day, or the newest Netflix Selena series. What I appreciate so much about Mousie in the film was her fierceness, the one liners like “please”, and how skilled she is at her craft as an actor. She played phases of Mousie’s life so well she became that character. I hope she directs a film some day! This is the second in a series of characters from the 1993 film “Mi Vida Loca”. Check out Whisper here.

On the film: The year was 1993 and writer/director Allison Anders film had just released. I was staying with my Dad in Hayward Ca (Bay Area) and we went to the movies to see it. Being that there were so few portrayals of young Latin@ people, families, or communities I was super juiced to see the film! It reminded me of Chicanos in Berkeley at the time. I remember loving it and arguing with my Dad who is from LA and did not love it. He argued that it was a stereotypical gang life portrayal of Chicanos in Echo Park. But, I felt it was a loving portrait that showed pain, love, sorrow, relationships, and triumph. 30 years later I belive the film still stands up and the messages about sisterhood, female empowerment, the dangers of tribal warfare (gangs), machismo, and even class still ring true. Have you seen it? Comment below w/ your favorite line?

About me: My name is Robert Liu-Trujillo. I’m a mixed kid-Black, Korean, Mexican, and Apache. And I’m an author/artist from the Bay Area. My most recent book is “Fresh Juice/ Jugo Fresco”. Nice to meet you.

Dig this? Check out my throwback drawings of three characters from the 80s film “Stand and Deliver”. Peace.

Character 172 – Whisper (Mi Vida Loca)

This is Whisper from Mi Vida Loca. I loved her voice and just how natural she portrayed this character as an actor. I was just a teenager and I loved Whisper’s character as a strong mujer, business women, and friend. In the film she is portrayed by actor Nélida López.

On the film: The year was 1993 and writer/director Allison Anders film had just released. I was staying with my Dad in Hayward Ca (Bay Area) and we went to the movies to see it. Being that there were so few portrayals of young Latin@ people, families, or communities I was super juiced to see the film! It reminded me of Chicanos in Berkeley at the time. I remember loving it and arguing with my Dad who is from LA and did not love it. He argued that it was a stereotypical gang life portrayal of Chicanos in Echo Park. But, I felt it was a loving portrait that showed pain, love, sorrow, relationships, and triumph. 30 years later I belive the film still stands up and the messages about sisterhood, female empowerment, the dangers of tribal warfare (gangs), machismo, and even class still ring true. Have you seen it? Comment below w/ your favorite line?

About me: My name is Robert Liu-Trujillo. I’m a mixed kid-Black, Korean, Mexican, and Apache. And I’m an author/artist from the Bay Area. My most recent book is “Fresh Juice/ Jugo Fresco”. Nice to meet you.

Dig this? Check out my throwback drawings of three characters from the 80s film “Stand and Deliver”. Peace.