Children’s Portrait 78 – Jidan & Bryant’s family
Hey, here is the latest children’s portrait. Typically I paint one child at a time. At the most, maybe two kids. But occassionally I get to paint a family!! Love this family, they are awesome and beautiful just being themselves but they have not only contributed some great work to this world as organizers, artists, parents, and writers; but they have helped me grow. As an artist and as a person.
Check out the painting process. Typically I do a sketch directly on the wood or trace a photgraph and redraw it on wood.
Then, I began building up skin tone values, shading, and hair bit by bit. Its painteed with acrylic so i can add light or dark if I need to. But i prefer to build up color and contrast slowly.
This is the final painting as it was delivered. Check out Jidan and Bryant‘s work. If you’d like to get a child or family painted for a portrait please hit this link up.
Dig this? Check out this family portrait of writer/professor Tomas Moniz w/ his family! Or wheen I painted Bryant and Jidan’s kids Mila and Zenzi.