short stories Tag

Short Story 34 – Monster on Market

Short story 34 – It sounded the way Big momma described the big earthquake of 06′. Loud and out of nowhere. One minute we’re out at the theater watching War of The Worlds, the next we’re running for our lives. Shrieks and wind seem to hit you at every turn. Me, Loretta, Doris, and Addie weree the first to catch the trolly car. Earl? Well, we thought he was on with us but he wasnt.

What is this? This is a short story. They are a way for me to sharpen my skills, to play, and to stretch out by trying new ideas for stories. In 2010 they started off as a way to practice the format of picture books but I’m interested in other formats now too. My name is Robert Liu-Trujillo and my most recent book is Fresh Juice/ Jugo Fresco published by Lee & Low Books.

Here’s some of my past short stories:

Dig this? Check out my first self published Art Book- 130 pages of sketches, paintings, characters, and more HERE

Short Story 33 – Sunday Afternoon

Sunday Afternoon- For Amina’s family, music is medicine. Almost every Sunday , the phones and ipads were put away to do one thing: Music. The rules were: do your chores your homework, play, read, or relax but throw on your favorite music and just chill out. And so Betty listened to an album from vinyl club, Maya practiced scales , and mama just relaxed to her favorite that week.

What is this? Short stories are a way for me to sharpen my skills, to play, to practice, and to stretch out by trying new ideas for stories. In 2010 they started off as a way to practice the format of picture books but I’m interested in other formats now too. My name is Robert Liu-Trujillo and my most recent book is Fresh Juice/ Jugo Fresco published by Lee & Low Books.

Here’s some of my past short stories:

Dig this? Check out my first self published Art Book- 130 pages of sketches, paintings, characters, and more HERE

Short story 32 – Giant writer

“Moose” amazed everyone who met him; in the alter world and in ours. We thought he’d want to be a god on earth, stop wars, reduce the Richie riches to humble, or throw a rock the size of a house at the sun. But his life force was drained and he got weaker with each passing sunrise. So, we did what any good friends would do, we packed up his things and floated him right out of the Bay. This way, we could find the portal, send him back. He’d be back to tagging his name soon enough, we hoped”.

What is this? Short stories are a way for me to sharpen my skills, to play, to practice, and to stretch out by trying new ideas for stories. In 2010 they started off as a way to practice the format of picture books but I’m interested in middle grade and comics now too. My name is Robert Liu-Trujillo and my most recent book is Fresh Juice published by Lee & Low Books.

Here’s some of my past short stories:

Dig this? Check out my first self published Art Book- 130 pages of sketches, paintings, characters, and more HERE

Short story 31 – Spooky ride

Text: “Patrice and Larry had been practicing and falling on the track all summer. The older more experienced kids dared them to try the jumps but they always bit it trying. Tonight though, on Halloween before anyone got home to divvy up their candy, Patrice finally did it. She went up the biggest jump on “Shell Track”, now the only thing left to do besides puting on her costume was to land safely.”

What is this? Short stories are a way for me to sharpen my skills, to play, to practice, and to stretch out by trying new ideas for stories. In 2010 they started off as a way to practice the format of picture books but I’m interested in middle grade and comics now too. My name is Robert Liu-Trujillo and my most recent book is “Fresh Juice” published by Lee & Low Books.

As a kid I LOVED bmx bikes so much and would spend hours riding around my neighborhood. I wanted to make a cool image of a girl riding a bmx bike on the night of halloween. The idea is for her to accomplish some big jump that is terrifying and gratifying at the same time. Then I just put a spooky tree, a costume on the friend in the background, and the moon with clouds. 

Dig this? Check out my Collage of Characters 2022-2024 or my first 130 pg Art Book

Short story 30-Club house

Short story 30 – Nala wished she’d never told her friends about the insect serum. She wanted to go home, to the car show, the movies, anyplace but here. Their clubhouse was supposed to be a special. But the bees found them. Usually the antidote worked to calm them down and Stewey tried. But not today. Maybe, just maybe Rez and Xotchi could stop them with the golden sceptres.

What’s this? Peace everyone, I started making short stories over a decade ago as a way to study picture books specifically and storytelling more broadly. Theseshorts are a way for me to practice and to build one brick at a time.

Dig this? Check otu some of my previous short stories made with colored pencil such as Welcome and First Protest.

Short Story 29 – Welcome

“This has been a long trip with few familiar faces. But, there’s nothing like trekking a thousand miles and coming home to your family. Here I was thinking it would be a quiet Sunday all by myself since everyone was out of town; they said. And I had my key still. But when I walked in Grandpa and Grandma, my sisters, my cousin, and the kids were all there, I almost cried! Somebody up there has a sense of humor.”
Here’s my latest short story: Welcome
If you missed the previous short story called Flight check it out here. And if you dig this style, check out this collage of characters done in the same style.

Short story 28 – Flight

“Normally I would tell you to get your hair out of my face! But, agggghhh!” Shouted Tong as Hattie duck, dived, and barreled the dragonfly. Not trying to win, but showing off. There was something peaceful about riding. Our lands seemed to go on forever and I had never seen it from so high up. I want to win but Hattie just wants to have fun.
This is the latest short story! If you missed the last one please check out “Hike” by clicking this link.
Digital drawing
Lightboxing with colored pencils

Short story 27 – Hike

Here is my next short story:

Its worth it. “It was only two hours” mom said. But it felt like forever. The climb made me feeling like all the oxygen was sucked out of the air. We couldn’t get any wifi and there was no one around us for miles. But it was worth it. “Nature’s cool… I like hikes” my little brother said. And when I saw
how happy it made Mom I agreed. It was worth it. Every picture, every moment. Maybe not the energy bars, but everything else.

Why not check out the last one? Short story 26 – First Protest

Short story 26 – First Protest

Saturday morning. Uncle George told us we were wasting our time. “Hardly anyone shows up at them demonstrations!” he said. But I know hella people are gonna show out today. Jeanie never been to a protest before so Judy, my sister, and I are taking her. And we’re gonna enjoy ourselves while doing it. Today might not change politicians minds but I hope Jeanie will see that she isn’t the only one who don’t support another foolish war. I can see the folks gathering up the street now.

Funny I was already planning to draw this short story. But being that the idiot POTUS is trying to declare war on a country that the US government has had its claws in for over half a century its fitting to post it now. Stay woke folks. History repeats itself and we’ve seen this show before.

Here’s the last short story: Haenyeo

Some more close ups….

Short story 25 – Haenyeo

This is a short I’ve been wanting to do for awhile. In fact, I drew this sketch over a year ago and never put the final touches on it until now. For those that don’t know, a Haenyeo is a word for Korean women who dive off the coast of Jeju island. No time for a history lesson but what they do, many could not at the age of 20 or 80.

Did you see the last short story? Its here:
Short story 24-Argue